I have to admit, when I think about Easter, evangelism doesn’t spring to mind. We’re pretty comfortable with Christmas evangelism; inviting neighbours along to carol services, perhaps engaging with friends on what Christmas means for them and how they celebrate. But Easter? Most of my non-Christian friends don’t really care about Easter. They’re glad for a long weekend and a few months of creme eggs, but that’s about it.
But in some ways, that makes Easter an even better opportunity for evangelism. After all, almost everyone in our culture makes a big deal out of Christmas… but it’s really only Christians who make a big deal out of Easter. Embracing and celebrating this season as something precious makes Christians distinctive. It’s an opportunity to say to our friends, “This is something amazing that I’m absolutely passionate about, and I want to share it with you.” Who can argue with that?
So I’ve been challenged to grasp opportunities to share the gospel this Easter. Why not surprise a friend or guests at church with the gift of a book or tract that explains the Easter message? Bundling it up with some chocolate makes a lovely little Easter gift, and says, “This stuff matters”!
This evangelistic booklet by William Taylor sums Easter up in three words, showing how the events of the first Good Friday and Easter Sunday are true, wonderful, and life-changing.
A short, accessible, clear booklet explaining the message at the heart of Easter.
For something more general, try Capturing God by Rico Tice. This short 64 page book grips readers with the surprising truth that God reveals his essence through his own execution.
This evangelistic book shows readers that Jesus loves them so much that he died on the cross in their place. Perfect for Easter.
Life Tastes Better by Terry Virgo is an easy-to-read, short, clear, introduction to the God who makes life so much better when we let him take charge.
Easter provides an excellent opportunity to engage with non-Christian families. A children’s book about Easter is a very accessible explanation of the Christian message for many young families.
A Very Happy Easter is a fresh retelling of the Easter Story for young children, with opportunities to join in with facial expressions! It’s the perfect price (under £4!) for buying a few copies and distributing amongst your parent friends or if you lead a kids’ group at Church, could you consider a bulk order to give away in the last toddler group before Easter?
Fresh retelling of the Easter story for preschoolers, with opportunities to join in with facial expressions!
The Friend Who Forgives would be the perfect special gift for a godchild, niece/nephew or grandchild. It’s a double award-winning beautifully illustrated hardback storybook about how Peter failed and Jesus forgave. Easter through the lens of Peter’s story is brilliantly refreshing for those who are familiar with the Easter story but not familiar with the God at the centre of it—parents and children will benefit from this wonderful storybook.
Bible storybook that points young children to Jesus, the friend who forgives. Ideal for Lent and Easter.