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Growing Young Disciples

How to grow a living faith in children & young people (and yourself)

An action-packed, fun-filled, high-octane, Bible-busting training day for anyone involved with children and young people.

Listen to the talks from past conferences.

Three day conferences to choose from:



Saturday 7th May 2016
Bookings now open!


Saturday 7th November 2015
Bookings now open!


Saturday 5th March 2016
Bookings now open!


The day includes a mix of sessions for both helpers and leaders, whether you work with young children or older teens.

Choose one of five seminars to answer your questions and shape your thinking.

Plus two practical workshops, one from Group A and one from Group B, to help you grow in your practical skills and understanding.


with Phil Moon

  • What is a living faith?
  • Growing a living faith in yourself


  1. Living faith for 14-18s
    Ben Putt
  2. Living faith for 11-14s
    Dave Thornton
  3. Living faith for 7-11s
    Tamar Pollard
  4. Living faith for under 7s
    Tim Thornborough
  5. Unpacking the message
    Alison Mitchell
    A beginner’s guide to understanding and teaching the Bible to children and teens


  • A Focus the fun with children. A beginner’s guide [C]
  • A Encouraging parents to read the Bible with their children [C]
  • A Supporting teens who struggle with homosexuality [T]
  • A Money and possessions [C/T]
  • A Inside out: encouraging an outreach mindset [T]
  • B One-to-ones with teens. A beginner’s guide [T]
  • B Social action [C/T]
  • B Helping teens to talk biblically about homosexuality [T]
  • B Fresh ideas for teaching children to pray [C]
  • B Fakebook generation: teens wearing masks [T]

[C] = children; [T] = teens