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Search results for 'holy spirit'

Hearing the Spirit in the busyness of everyday life

Dean Faulkner | 28 Oct 2014

Some people find it easy to understand the Father and Jesus, but struggle to understand quite how and where the Holy Spirit fits into the picture. Who exactly is he? And how does he work in our lives?

The Bible tells us that we need to be led …

Porn: the battle women face

Helen Thorne | 1 Oct 2014

It's a subject that's taboo. A reality that many find shocking. A fact that some would prefer to deny. But the truth is out there: women use porn too.

Accurate statistics are difficult to source but a quick trawl of the web seems to suggest that about a …

Fighting the Monday feeling

Rachel Jones | 1 Sep 2014

[Jesus said:] 'Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much …

You are not hopeless

Helen Thorne | 13 Aug 2014

As yet another celebrity suicide hits the headlines, people have once again been discussing what it means to take your own life. Some describe it as a "waste", others a "mystery", many as a "tragedy" but, in quiet corners, there are other groups of people: those who see it as …

Hearing the Spirit - just £5!

Dean Faulkner | 1 Aug 2014

Some people, both Christian and as well as non-Christian, find it easy to understand God and Jesus, but struggle to understand quite how and where the Holy Spirit fits into the picture. Who exactly is he? And how does he work in our lives?

The Bible tells us …

A mixed blessing?

Tim Thornborough | 28 Jul 2014

An interestingly named bakery in Tooting, South London. Photo Tim Thornborough

"The weather was really hot on holiday - but it was a mixed blessing, because we all got sunburnt."
"Nuclear power is a mixed blessing - it gives us electricity but also weapons with terrible destructive power."

Six ways to pray for summer camps

Carl Laferton | 25 Jul 2014

They're going on now… and will throughout the summer. You may well know people you can pray these things for. If you don't, just pick a camp (Ventures is one place to find one) and pray these things for the people on it!

  1. Pray for the Bible …

That you may overflow with hope ...

Helen Thorne | 24 Jul 2014

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Can we really trust the Bible?

Barry Cooper | 3 Jul 2014

In this extract his new book, Barry Cooper grapples with the question of why the words of the Bible really matter…

Isn’t it silly to claim that something as commonplace as a book actually contains God’s words? If God really is God, couldn’t he communicate with human beings …

Independence: the other side of the coin

Helen Thorne | 18 Jun 2014

It's an exciting yet, at times, uncomfortable truth: God didn't save us to be a bunch of individuals each following him in the way that seems best to us, he called us to be a community, passionate about sharing our lives with one another.

We are called to:

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