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Search results for 'holy spirit'

Life’s Big Questions

Dean Faulkner | 6 Jun 2014

On Tuesday we asked If you could ask God one question, what would it be? And we gave you some help in our e-book offer. Today it’s more questions! Life’s big questions - whether you are a Christian or not.

  • Who rules the world?
  • What does …

You Can Pray ebook by Tim Chester just £5 until midday Thursday

Dean Faulkner | 20 May 2014

If you're easily distracted when praying, you (and I) are not alone.

In fact, if you struggle to pray in the first place, that's not unusual either. Tim Chester, in his book You Can Pray, tells us how we can be great pray-ers. And he admits that …

Aisha's story: Discovering Jesus

Tim Thornborough | 16 May 2014

In the development of the Discovering Jesus course, the material was extensively trialled among a wide variety of people and situations. Here is the story of one woman who took part in one of these trial courses:

I was invited to take part in a course called Discovering …

Recovering our memory: Martin Luther

Rachel Jones | 14 May 2014

Name: Martin Luther
When: 1483-1546
Where: Wittenberg, Germany

So what?

Much can be, and has been, written about Luther. So let this be a rough guide for the uninitiated. Martin Luther was a German monk, pastor, writer, theologian and lecturer at the University of Wittenberg. …

Book review: True Friendship

Steve Jeffery | 8 May 2014

Vaughan Roberts has done it again. Since the publication of Turning Points fifteen years ago, he has been producing a steady stream of books on subjects from biblical theology and worship to godliness and apologetics. Now the tradition continues with his latest offering, True Friendship (10 Publishing, 2013)


Loving butterflies

Helen Thorne | 8 Apr 2014

We all know butterflies. Some of us may be butterflies. Those people who flit from church to church on an annual, monthly or weekly basis - constantly shifting spiritual family. I'm not talking about those people who travel for work (never ideal but not necessarily a sign of spiritual …

4 books for less than £5!

Dean Faulkner | 28 Feb 2014

Last week, on The Good Book Blog, we looked at the two newest titles in our Questions Christians Ask series - Why did Jesus have to die? and Is forgiveness really free? That brings the series to six titles now and there will be more following shortly. We gave …

Selected ebooks - just 99p until midday Thursday

Dean Faulkner | 25 Feb 2014

Last week on the blog we looked at the two newest books in our Questions Christians Ask series - Why did Jesus have to die? and Is forgiveness really free? That brings the series to six titles now and there will more following shortly...

To celebrate the new …

Can grace be taken away?

Michael Jensen | 21 Feb 2014

One of the many questions address in the recently published: Is forgiveness really free? And other questions about grace, the law and being saved.

This is a question which worries many people for two reasons. First, we worry about family and friends who once were professing faith …

Do you know you’re loved?

Helen Thorne | 14 Feb 2014

The radio is blaring songs of romance.
The supermarkets pushing their displays of chocolates and roses.
Restaurants are advertising their last few tables for that intimate meal.
Facebook bears comments of unexpected cards gained … or recent partners lost.

There’s something about February 14th that gets the world …

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