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Search results for 'holy spirit'

Eating the enemy

Helen Thorne | 9 Jul 2013

The sense of panic began to rise. Her heart-beat quickened. Her throat tightened. Her stomach began to churn. And she knew that yet again, she would flee the room, the meal lovingly cooked by her friends left uneaten. A true story - a not uncommon story - but …

Pastoral care v preaching

Helen Thorne | 24 Jun 2013

"I'm not going to waste my time listening to little old ladies ramble on or allow myself to get distracted by members of the congregation crying into their tissues. I'm here to preach the gospel". So said a lovely, gospel-hearted minister recently.

I wept. Though …

Residential care: the end or the beginning?

Helen Thorne | 12 Jun 2013

It wasn't the easiest conversation I've had this week. An elderly friend is coming to terms with an unpleasant realisation: she is getting old.

She doesn't feel it. Well, she feels it in her arthritis-riddled bones. But she doesn't feel it in her heart and in her …

Questions Christians Ask: Deal

Helen Thorne | 17 May 2013

You've thought about the questions. You've read the extracts. Now - on the weekend the books become available - take advantage of our launch deal. Order any 2 books in the Questions Christians Ask series and pay just ÂŁ5 (normally ÂŁ3.99 each).

Our launch titles in the …

Who on earth is the Holy Spirit?

Helen Thorne | 13 May 2013

This week we're thrilled to be releasing 3 great little books in a our new series: Questions Christians Ask. These short, accessible resources are designed to give bite-sized, biblical answers to the kinds of questions that flit through our minds from time to time.

If you …

Introducing: Questions Christians Ask

Tim Thornborough | 13 May 2013

Linda walked up to me after church, a cup of coffee in her hands. As we exchanged pleasantries, she suddenly said: “I’m a bit confused. A friend has been talking to me and she says that we all become ghosts after we die. That’s not right … is …

Porn: The battle women face

Helen Thorne | 1 Mar 2013

It's a subject that's taboo. A reality that many find shocking. A fact that some would prefer to deny. But the truth is out there: women use porn too.

Accurate statistics are difficult to source but a quick trawl of the web seems to suggest that about …

Fighting the Monday feeling

Martin Cole | 18 Feb 2013

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and …

How Real Christian Change Happens (Galatians 3 v 1-5)

Timothy Keller | 14 Feb 2013

How do we change and grow as Christians? In the same way we became Christians. That's why in Galatians 3 v 1-3, Paul reminds the Galatian Christians how it was that they came to Christ. And in essence, “Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified” (v 1). This …

Fighting the Monday feeling

Martin Cole | 28 Jan 2013

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of …

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