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Search results for 'holy spirit'

What Do I Do When I'm Perplexed?

Katie Faris | 30 May 2022

We could spend all our limited time and energy chasing answers to our questions. It's certainly tempting to think that if we only caught them, we'd be satisfied. But what if God intended our questions to drive us to him—the satisfier of our souls—instead?... continue reading

Raising Bible-Friendly Kids

Mike Nappa | 22 Mar 2022

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6). An endless array of choices peeks over the shelf’s edge. Which book will Tony choose for his bedtime story tonight? Clifford the Big Red Dog? Goodnight …

Leading Children into a Wider, Deeper Love of Jesus

Barbara Reaoch | 15 Feb 2022

“Jesus loves me, this I know”. It’s a sweet sound when words about Jesus come by heart to even the youngest child. Simple truths like these help kids start to see the beauty of the gospel.... continue reading

Is It Okay for Christians to be Discouraged?

John Hindley | 3 Feb 2022

Bitter experience has taught you not to let your hopes rise too high. Perhaps you have a faith in Christ and you feel uneasy that you find life so hard, so you wonder whether it should be like this. Is it okay for Christians to be discouraged?... continue reading

Resolutions for the New Year

Avery Powers | 16 Dec 2021

It may not be 2022 quite yet, but we’re already looking forward to leaving the old behind (looking at you, Omicron) and moving on to what’s ahead. If you’re looking to make New Year’s resolutions or just to start fresh in some areas of life in 2022, here are some …

Telling Stories to God's Glory

Jackie Hill Perry | 26 Aug 2021

Right now a lot of people are turning away from or changing their beliefs, not based on theology but based on compelling narratives that they’ve heard. Stories are literally shaping the way people think about God and sex and sin and money.... continue reading

Unchanging Truths from God's Word

Michael Page | 15 Jul 2021

The Bible encourages and reminds God’s people about who he is and why we can trust him. It helps us to have confidence when we are feeling uncertain about our circumstances or anxious about the future.

As we celebrate 30 years of opening up the Bible, we asked some …

When Nurturing Life Feels Like Dying

Liz Wann | 4 Mar 2021

Sometimes, parenting can just be too much. There are many times when I reach my breaking point. It’s not just the physical needs of my children that are demanding, but their emotional, mental, and spiritual needs as well.... continue reading

3 Ways Motherhood Can Make You More Like Christ

Liz Wann | 2 Mar 2021

My husband and I have had a tough year as parents—as I’m sure many other parents have too. Our two year old started to show more of her personality, which kept us all on our toes. Our middle son began displaying a new level of misbehavior that stopped my husband …

Blessings That Won't Be Restricted: Fellow Believers

James Burstow | 1 Mar 2021

As we've worked our way through Ephesians 1, we've focused on the spiritual blessings we recieve in Christ–wonderful, mind-blowing doctrines which remain true whatever is going on in our lives. In the last section of this chapter, there is something else that encourages Paul and prompts him to thank God: …

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