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Search results for 'holy spirit'

How to enjoy your inheritance today

Alistair Begg | 11 Jul 2019

One day, you and I are going to be very, very rich.... continue reading

The sickly sweet fly-trap of sentimentality

Dan Strange | 9 Jul 2019

This idolatry is subtle, but like a venus fly-trap we’re lured in and then stuck in its sickly sweet stickiness. ... continue reading

Help! My home group leader is wrong…

Tim Thornborough | 5 Jul 2019

It’s home group as usual — the coffee is poured, Janice has made a cake that is going down a treat, and there is an excited buzz around the room as we share how our week is going.... continue reading

When evangelism feels impossible: 4 steps to joyful obedience

Jonty Allcock | 5 Jun 2019

As new Christians, we often start out enthusiastic at the idea of calling people to follow King Jesus. We are expectant and joyful. But it can soon lead to deflation. We still try and talk about Jesus. We still invite people to church. But the joy has gone. We have …

Charles Spurgeon’s Humble Calvinism

Charles H. Spurgeon | 26 Mar 2019

Brothers, hold the five points of Calvinist doctrine, but don’t hold them as babbling questions.

What you have received of God, do not learn in order to fight with it, and to make contention and strife, and to divide the church of God, and rail against the people of …

What's on our bookshelves?

Joe Henegan | 7 Mar 2019

Our bookshelves say a lot about who we are - what ideas have lived with us, challenged us and formed us. ... continue reading

Should Christians practise mindfulness?

Timothy Lane | 8 Jan 2019

If you are alive and reading these days, you have probably heard the term “mindfulness.”... continue reading

7 Books for Understanding Yourself and Your World Better in 2019

Joe Henegan | 19 Dec 2018

The brainy book is in. A recent Guardian article explained the sales phenomenon behind Sapians, a wildly successful a history of mankind, that reflects a surprisingly broader trend in consumer habits: the current boom of non-fiction.... continue reading

How to be a justice seeker

Christy Britton | 13 Dec 2018

Injustice fills today’s headlines. Christians are hunted and killed in Somalia. Men are auctioned off as slaves in Libya. Imperfect babies are murdered in Iceland. Gang violence claims the lives of young men in America. Daughters are discarded in India for not being sons. Orphans are transported across borders and …

Matt Chandler on Rediscovering Evangelism During Christmas

Matt Chandler | 11 Dec 2018

I love Christmas, even more now than when I was a kid. And while early in my marriage, I was admittedly against decorating before Thanksgiving, I’ve even relaxed on that rule. Christmas is, without question, my favorite time of the year. But as much as I love the holiday and …

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