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Tales that Tell the Truth

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The Storm That Stopped Storybook (Spanish)
Alison Mitchell, Catalina Echeverri
Jesus and the Lions' Den Storybook (Spanish)
Alison Mitchell, Catalina Echeverri
The God Contest Storybook (French)
Carl Laferton, Catalina Echeverri
Jesus and the Lions' Den (Swedish)
Alison Mitchell, Catalina Echeverri
Jesus and the Very Big Surprise (Korean)
Randall Goodgame, Catalina Echeverri
The Christmas Promise (Danish)
Alison Mitchell, Catalina Echeverri
The Storm that Stopped (French)
Alison Mitchell, Catalina Echeverri
Jesus and the Lions' Den (Korean)
Alison Mitchell, Catalina Echeverri
The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross (German)
Carl Laferton, Catalina Echeverri
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