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1 & 2 Timothy For You (ebook)

1 & 2 Timothy For You ebook

Protect the gospel, pass on the gospel

from 1 review

Expository Bible-study guide to 1 & 2 Timothy that can be read as a book; used as a devotional; and utilised in teaching and preaching.

Part of the God's Word For You series.

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Paul is reaching the end of his ministry. Timothy needs help in his. And so the apostle writes to his young friend and protege, urging him to guard the gospel, preach the gospel, and live the gospel.

Phillip Jensen brings decades of ministry experience to bear on the pastoral letters of 1 and 2 Timothy, calling readers to do just what Timothy did—to love Christ and teach truth in our generation, and to teach others to do the same.

This accessible, absorbing expository guide opens up this book for new and mature Christians alike. It is more applied than a typical commentary, making it a great resource for personal devotion, as well as useful for leading small group studies or sermon preparation.

There is an accompanying Good Book Guide available.

Product details


  • Introduction
    1. The aim is love (1 Timothy 1:1-7)
    2. The Saviour and the blasphemer (1:8-18)
    3. One Mediator and his church (1:19 – 2:15)
    4. Elders and deacons: a noble task? (3:1-13)
    5. The mystery of godliness (3:14 – 4:16)
    6. Household relationships (5:1 – 6:2)
    7. The great gain of godliness (6:3-21)
    8. Guard the good deposit (2 Timothy 1:1-18)
    9. Soldiers and workers (2:1-26)
    10. Life in the Last Days (3:1-17)
    11. I have fought the fight (4:1-22)


Contributors Phillip D Jensen
ISBN 9781784984076
Format eBook
First published April 2019
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company
Customer reviews

Shirley Godbold
22 Oct 2019


I love the 'For You' series which gives you more depth and background than daily Bible notes. Philip Jensen goes into quite a lot of detail but it is really edifying. Clears away a lot of misconceptions. His explanation of godliness I found really helpful. I'm only up to 1 Timothy 4 so looking forward to the rest!

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1 & 2 Timothy For You (ebook) | Phillip D Jensen |
£7.99 £6.39