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Swipe Up

A better way to do love, sex and relationships

By Jason Roach, foreword by Glynn Harrison
from 3 reviews

Discover God's positive vision for sex and relationships

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In a sex-saturated culture where anything goes, it’s tempting to think that the Christian vision for sex seems dull, uninspiring and just plain weird!

Join author Jason Roach as he reflects on how he discovered a different way of looking at sex, relationships and love. He found the true intimacy he was craving in God’s perfect design for sex and sexuality—and shares how you can too.

Discover a better story than the one our culture tells, a story where respect, generosity and care for others abound and relationships can flourish. Trade insecurity for confidence, anxiety for freedom and stress for happiness as you enjoy who God has made you to be and live in the way He intends.

Product details


  • Foreword: by Glynn Harrison
    Introduction: why I am telling my story
    1. Something more
    Or My Girlfriend was a pole dancer
    2. Here for a reason
    Or how Shaving has never been quite the same again
    3. Celebrating our situation
    Or Why singleness is not second best
    4. Faithful
    Or Why anniversaries matter more than wedding days
    5. Friendship
    Or why “the one” isn’t enough
    6. Speaking to our world
    Or Why “Stop it” just won’t do
    Epilogue: Swipe Up.

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Contributors Jason Roach, Glynn Harrison
ISBN 9781784983703
Format Paperback
First published October 2019
Dimensions 129mm x 198mm x 7.1mm
Weight 0.11 kg
Language English
Pages 96
Publisher The Good Book Company

Ed Shaw

Pastor of Emmanuel City Centre, Bristol & Co-Founder of www.livingout.org

This week you’ll be gazing at numerous screens that reinforce our culture’s fantasies of love, sex and relationships. Why not give up some of that time to gaze at the reality of God and his better love stories? Reading Jason’s personal and practical book will do you so much more good.

Helen Thorne–Allenson

Director of Training and Resources at Biblical Counselling UK

In a world where our western culture's narrative about sex and relationships so easily steals our minds, this little gem of a book helps us lift our gaze and see a far more beautiful story. Seamlessly weaving together personal experience and biblical truth, Jason Roach reminds us of God's astonishing love and the privilege it is to love others in ways that honour him. It's not a book of "don'ts" but a book that helps us rejoice in our risen Lord. Accessible, practical and wonderfully engaging - a great read for anyone desiring purity, intimacy and joy.

Gabrielle Samuel

London City Mission missioner at Brixton Local Church (BLOC)

A funny, honest and challenging account of the agonies and ecstasies of relationships. Jason takes us to the dizzying heights of Gods eternal story and ties that’s into the details of our lives – lives of passion, intimacy, sexuality, singleness , friendship and marriage. Big ideas, short chapters – definitely worth reading and passing on!

Independent reviews


Jonny Ivey, Heirs Magazine, 13 Nov 2019

When we become Christians, the Holy Spirit shows us more and more of where our lives need to change now that we belong to Jesus.

While there’s often overlap in the way we lived before and the way God calls us to live now, with some areas of life, we have to go back to the drawing board and simply start again.... continue reading


Growing an Excitement about God’s Purposes for Intimacy

Robin Ham, That Happy Certainty, 8 Oct 2019

Jason Roach is a pastor and former medical doctor from South London, and his new book, Swipe Up: A Better Way to do Love, Sex and Relationships has just released. He kindly took the time to answer some questions about the vision behind the book…... continue reading

Customer reviews

Robert Milliken
11 Jan 2020

“Worth reading along with the Bible”

I'm not surprised Glynn Harrison did the forward because this book is basically his "Better Story." Not the most gripping book, and there needs to be a balance of the better story type writing with more on boundaries, as increasingly Christians don't know where the boundaries are. Is that mainly because we don't think Biblically because we don't really read the Bible, and soak it in, letting the Word of God dwell in us richly?

Thanks for this review. You are right to draw the parallel between the two books — Swipe up is a direct development from Glynn’s book, with a very specific and important difference. Glynn’s book is a more intellectual and cultural analysis of our culture’s views on sexuality, and is aimed at mature, thinking Christians. As Glynn’s foreword says, Swipe Up is all the ideas from his book, but packaged in a form that can take those truths and speak to a rising generation of younger Christians who are less mature in their faith, perhaps—and even to those who are not yet Christians. The target market is completely different—as reflected by the length, voice and prevalence of storytelling. Please pray with us that this book will reach a generation that would not read a book of the length and style of A Better Story, but who desperately need to hear the Gospel’s liberating message about sex, sexuality and relationships.
Tim Thornborough, Editor.

Alastair Allcock
2 Dec 2019

“Not quite what I was looking for.”

I was looking for a book to give teenagers but felt this was too 'philosophical' for them. The material is biblically sound and the ideas excellent but it is highly prsonal and it just somehow didn't seem to connect with the sorts of problems I had in mind. I'm sorry I can't be clearer than this..

Catherine Brooks
7 Oct 2019

“Honest, compassionate and relevant”

This wonderful little book gets us to the heart of what it means to be God’s dearly loved children, and how this “better story” helps us to navigate our relationships with others. Jason writes with honesty and compassion and gave me a clearer view of my past, present and future in the light of the glorious gospel of God’s lavish love for us. The story-telling nature of the book is perfect for a story-loving culture in which relationships are all over the place. I highly recommend you read this and then pass it on.

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Swipe Up | Jason Roach, Glynn Harrison |
£8.99 £7.64