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Surprised by Jesus

Subversive grace in the four Gospels

Dane Ortlund

Dane Ortlund reflects on the surprising message and mission of Jesus in each of the four gospel accounts.

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Dane Ortlund, bestselling author of 'Gentle and Lowly' leads us further into the rescuing power of God's grace as he reflects on the surprising message and mission of Jesus in each of the four gospel accounts.

- In Matthew, we see the surprise of disobedient obedience.
- In Mark, we see the surprise of the king undergoing the fate of a criminal.
- In Luke, we see the surprise of the insiders becoming outsiders and the outsiders becoming insiders.
- In John, we see the surprise of the Creator of the universe becoming one of his own creatures.

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Contributors Dane Ortlund
ISBN 9781783973163
Format Paperback
Dimensions 127mm x 198mm x 15mm
Weight 0.21 kg
Language English
Pages 192
Publisher Evangelical Press

Josh Moody

Senior Pastor, College Church, Wheaton

Dane Ortlund’s Surprised by Jesus is a very helpful guide to a gospel-centered understanding of Christianity. Drawing from material gleaned from all four Gospels, Ortlund presents us with the compelling picture of ‘subversive grace’ — so different from the pale and timid imitation of pallid, anemic religion. Read this book and soak in the gospel of grace!

Carl R Trueman

Dept. Chair of Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary, Author, Pastor and Ref21 blogger

The world wants justice and, truth to tell, the church often wants that too. In this book, Dane Ortlund makes the case from the Gospels that what the church and the world to whom she witnesses needs is grace. Grace is counterintuitive, beyond price, and yet totally free. Left to ourselves, we hate it. We see it as demeaning. We regard it as witnessing to our moral corruption and weakness. Yet grace is God’s way of salvation as revealed in the acts and sayings of Jesus in the four Gospels. This book is that strangest of things: the heartfelt rebuke which brings so much encouragement, freedom, and joy. Well worth reading.

Bryan Chapell

Senior Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, IL, Former Chancellor of Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, MO

I love the goal of Dane Ortlund’s Surprised by Jesus: to fill our heart tanks with “the high-octane grace that takes our conscience by the scruff of the neck and breathes new life into us with a pardon so scandalous that we cannot help but be changed”. This is the kind of grace that makes disciples so love the Savior that they will give their lives for his glory.

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Surprised by Jesus | Dane Ortlund |
£9.99 £8.49