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Search results for 'discover'

A 5 minute theology of breakfast

Katy Morgan | 15 Oct 2019

What does breakfast have to do with the Bible? Judging by Instagram, the two go together rather a lot. I love seeing my friend’s Saturday morning photos of pancakes, pencil and her Bible’s open pages. Reading God’s word prepares us spiritually for the day, just as breakfast prepares us physically.... …

4 Things God Wants Us to Know About Sex

Jason Roach | 9 Oct 2019

What has God got to say about sex and our sexuality? ... continue reading

My girlfriend was a pole dancer

Jason Roach | 30 Sep 2019

The sun was shining, car stereos were booming, and we skipped along to the beats. It was then that she broke the news, out of the blue, in a matter-of-fact kind of way. She wanted to become a pole dancer.... continue reading

1% of evidence for Jesus is enough...

John Dickson | 23 Sep 2019

History is not just real; it is also knowable. Not fully knowable, of course. Probably less than 1% of ancient remains remain today. But 1% is enough to provide precious insight into the real lives of first-century men and women. Try this thought experiment…... continue reading

“Jesus and the Lions’ Den”— it’s not a misprint!

Alison Mitchell | 10 Sep 2019

There are some Old Testament stories that pop up in almost every toddler Bible: Noah and the ark, Jonah and the big fish, David and Goliath…

Daniel in the lions’ den is one of those—but there’s far more to it than most infant Bibles show—which is why we have cheekily …

His Testimonies Are My Heritage

Elicia Horton | 28 Aug 2019

I have grown up the majority of my life not really knowing or understanding much about my Mexican, Spanish and Native American heritage.... continue reading

Peculiar Passages: The Case of Ruth, Boaz and the Contractual Sandal

Alison Mitchell | 15 Aug 2019

One of my favourite phrases in the Old Testament is “kinsman-redeemer”*. It comes up several times in the book of Ruth, along with some weird things about sandals and uncovering feet. If we unpack those verses, we not only find out what’s going on in Ruth, but also learn something …

Peculiar Passages: The Case of the Bloody Bridegroom

Tim Thornborough | 6 Aug 2019

As a young Christian, I read through the Exodus story with a wonderful little commentary by Bernard Ramm, called His Way Out. Seeing the gospel in the book of Exodus was foundational for my own Christian understanding, but this little book was a window to a larger theological landscape, and …

5 ways the gospel shapes our approach to sexual abuse

Phillip Bethancourt | 30 Jul 2019

We need to embrace a clear understanding of how the gospel shapes our approach to sexual abuse in five significant ways.... continue reading

Your church is where it’s at… (no, really!)

Emily Robertson | 30 Jul 2019

How do you feel about your local church? (Answer honestly!) It may be the place you feel happiest—a place of respite from the rest of life—where you love to worship and serve alongside a group of like-minded people. Or it may be a place where you feel the pressure of …

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