Whatever your plans, why not take a few minutes to deliberately commit your plans for 2017 to God in prayer? Here are 5 things to pray... continue reading
Americans are facing a weighty political decision. So why not take a few moments now to pray for your brothers and sisters in the US?... continue reading
The UK is days away from a momentous political decision. We should pray—and pray earnestly—for Thursday’s referendum. Here are 5 suggestions... continue reading
So many of us struggle to pray! Why is that? What is the number one cause of prayerlessness in the West?... continue reading
"God is powerful; and so our prayers are too." (Rachel Jones, 5 Things to Pray)... continue reading
To celebrate the release of 5 things to pray, this week’s Friday Quiz is on the theme of prayer.... continue reading
Lots of Christians will make a New Year’s resolution to pray more this January. But perhaps it’s not a resolution that our prayer lives need—it’s a refresh.... continue reading
We’re hours away from 2016. Here are 10 resources we are really excited to share with you in the first half of 2016!... continue reading
Christmas is looming—are people you know feeling sad, stressed or super-excited? Here are 5 things to pray for someone you love to have a genuinely special time of year.... continue reading
Here are 5 things to pray for your fellowship together, based on Colossians 3 v 15-17... continue reading