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Search results for 'discover'

When A Story Stops at Death

Melissa Zaldivar | 29 Sep 2022

Every part of our stories is something caught between poetry and passing comments. One moment, the sun is rising and the birds are welcoming a new day as the breeze floats across the marshes. The next, you drop the almost-ready avocado you found at the grocery store and lament that …

Working Hard or Hardly Working—Spiritual Habits and the Pitfalls of Legalism

Sophie Killingley | 15 Sep 2022

Do you want to cultivate good spiritual habits but avoid soul-crushing guilt and shame when it all comes crashing down five days into your new plan?

Me too! 

 ... continue reading

5 Ways to Use Our New Creative Spiritual Journal

Sophie Killingley | 13 Sep 2022

I am a compulsive doodler. Whether it’s a notepad to scrawl on when I’m on the phone or the drawings and notes I make during my husband’s weekly sermon, I can always be found with pens and bits of paper trailing in my wake.... continue reading

Small Dreams, Big Rewards

Seth Lewis | 8 Sep 2022

The kingdom of heaven is not a kingdom of sour self-sacrifice, long-faced long-suffering, or dour duty. The kingdom of heaven is a kingdom where people do backwards things, things like giving up everything they have, and they do it out of pure, overflowing, unstoppable joy (Matthew 13:44)! Why? Because everything …

The True Story of Fanny Crosby, A Blind Woman With Extraordinary Musical Ability

Laura Wickham | 14 Jun 2022

The following text is the full biography featured in the back of our new children’s book exploring the inspirational story of Fanny Crosby’s life. It is part of our Do Great Things for God series, a collection of beautifully illustrated biographies written to enthuse young children about the great things …

Is Christianity Irrelevant?

Glen Scrivener | 9 Jun 2022

Goldfish see what’s in the water, they see what’s refracted through the water, but I assume (I haven’t done the proper investigations) that goldfish don’t see the water itself. And yet there it is. It’s their environment. Universal but invisible. It shapes everything they do and everything they see. But …

Joy In Suffering

Katie Faris | 2 Jun 2022

When you think about it, joy in suffering makes no sense apart from God’s grace, yet this is the testimony of believers throughout church history. Take, for example, the Christians to whom the apostle Peter sent his first epistle. He addressed them as “elect exiles of the dispersion” (1 Peter …

What Do I Do When I'm Perplexed?

Katie Faris | 30 May 2022

We could spend all our limited time and energy chasing answers to our questions. It's certainly tempting to think that if we only caught them, we'd be satisfied. But what if God intended our questions to drive us to him—the satisfier of our souls—instead?... continue reading

Recommended Reads For Your Summer Holiday

Bethany McIlrath | 12 May 2022

As you write out your packing list for your summer holiday, don’t forget to include a few books to enjoy on the porch, poolside or even in the car! Here’s what we would recommend this summer and why.  ... continue reading

31 Christian Quotes for Graduation

Avery Powers | 28 Apr 2022

Leaving the nest can be scary and, well, confusing. With graduations right around the corner, students are in need of hope-filled advice for the years to come. To meet that need, we’ve compiled some of our books’ most encouraging and truth-filled Christian quotes for (soon-to-be) graduates. ... continue reading

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