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Search results for 'discover'

Using Christmas Carols to Gather your Community

James Burstow | 4 Nov 2021

This year there is an opportunity to use Christmas carols to draw people together again. We may still need to be creative in how we do that, and we certainly need to consider how to help people feel safe and comfortable when they may not have sung in public for …

Seeing the Creation Story in Colour

Tim Thornborough | 17 Aug 2021

It struck me what enormous fun it must have been as God the Father and Jesus the Son spoke the universe and our world into existence. The deeper we go, and the more we are able to examine the structure, mechanisms and physiology of our planet and its creatures, the …

Should Christians Value Self-Esteem?

Matt Fuller | 27 Jul 2021

In rejecting God, many in the modern West have turned to an alternative “gospel”—by that, I mean a truth which people look to for happiness: a big philosophy to live by. One of the biggest “gospels” our culture sells us is the gospel of self-esteem: “Look within to find out …

Is Grace a Licence to Sin? (Lessons from the Life of Bonhoeffer)

Michael Jensen | 20 Jul 2021

A powerful answer to this question can be found in the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was martyred for his faith. He begins his book, The Cost of Discipleship, with a chapter entitled “Costly Grace”. Costly grace is to be understood in part by contrasting it with what he …

Christians Are Not Called to be Chameleons

Richard Coekin | 10 Jun 2021

Christians should not be hiding their faith. We should not become spiritual chameleons: desperately trying to fit into the culture of this world to remain camouflaged and safe from predators who might expose and condemn our faith. But many of us are under immense pressure to do just that.... continue …

A personal plea to consider (or reconsider) Christianity

Ben Shaw | 20 May 2021

The following open letter is written by Ben Shaw, author of Seven Reasons to (Re)Consider Christianity. Shaw is sharing the heart behind his book, as well as his own story of (re)considering his faith in light of a cancer diagnosis.... continue reading

Idolatry Comes Before Immorality

Alistair Begg | 6 May 2021

Idolatry—in your life and more broadly in society—precedes immorality. If we would understand why immorality is tolerated or even promoted, we need to look behind the behavior to the worship—to the idol. Of course, the idols change; few people in the West bow down to golden images today. But the …

Why Kids Need to Know More About Female Christian Role Models

Laura Caputo-Wickham | 20 Apr 2021

For far too long, the word ‘Biography’ was associated with the image of dusty tomes, stacked on the bookshelves of stuffy professors’ studies. But all this changed the moment these were made accessible and available to young children. Stories of great men and women of the past have been re-told …

Stress: Taking Every Thought Captive

Helen Thorne | 6 Apr 2021

Many of our circumstances hurt and cause us significant stress. It’s right that we lament. It’s good and proper that we take our burdens and our pain to the Lord and, like David in Psalm 86, tell him how weak we are feeling and how much we need his help. …

How to Teach the Bible Without Boring Kids

Steph Williams | 18 Feb 2021

Family Bible times don’t always go where we expect them to. To be honest, sometimes they don’t even start how we intend! Someone is shoving their brother, another child only seems capable of being upside down… Their attention span is suddenly so short! And yet the Bible is full of …

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