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Search results for 'discover'

How to Teach the Bible Without Boring Kids

Steph Williams | 18 Feb 2021

Family Bible times don’t always go where we expect them to. To be honest, sometimes they don’t even start how we intend! Someone is shoving their brother, another child only seems capable of being upside down… Their attention span is suddenly so short! And yet the Bible is full of …

Leaving it all behind: Day 1 of 'Meals With Jesus'

Ed Drew | 11 Feb 2021

Read Day 1 of Meals With Jesus, a new family devotional from Ed Drew, Founder of Faith in Kids. These simple 10-minute family devotions in Luke’s Gospel explore Jesus’ character through nine meals that he shared with people. As you read these passages, your children will be transported to the dinner table alongside …

The Rival Gospel of Self

Stephen McAlpine | 3 Feb 2021

The cultural ambition is to replicate the kingdom vision of the good life—a future world of human rights, dignity, freedom, love and equality—but all without Jesus at the centre. And, frustratingly for those among us who may wish to see the whole thing come crashing down in order to prove …

4 Questions to Ask Yourself about Your Quiet Time in the New Year

Tim Thornborough | 29 Dec 2020

I want to suggest that any serious engagement with God needs to engage three aspects of who we are as people — we are redeemed sinners seeking to serve our Lord and Savior as we journey to the new creation in each others’ company.... continue reading

Bestsellers of 2020

Michael Page | 15 Dec 2020

Looking back on 2020, we are in some ways glad to see it come to an end, as you may be as well. At the same time, we give thanks for the ways in which God has worked through us and enabled us to release all manner of titles used …

Staff Picks of the Year: What We Loved Reading in 2020

Joe Henegan | 8 Dec 2020

Here's a list of what some of The Good Book Company staff have been reading in 2020...... continue reading

The God we Need

Jennie Pollock | 26 Nov 2020

If we’re honest, most of us have cried this, or something like it, to God at some point in our lives. Yes, we can repeat that “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28), but …

A Covid Christmas Gospel Talk Outline

Tim Thornborough | 28 Oct 2020

Tim shares an outline for a Christmas talk, which you are free to use and make your own. If you are using it in the open air at a street carol service, remember to keep it short!... continue reading

Will the Church Reshape Child Discipleship?

Barbara Reaoch | 27 Oct 2020

Amber and Nate did not grow up in the church. As new followers of Christ, the church gave fresh hope for their lives. It became their haven. They relied on the church to teach them and their children about God and his Word. Enter—the pandemic! Everything changed and keeps changing. …

Half term baking ideas to overcome Covid barriers

Susie Bentley-Taylor and Bekah Moore | 26 Oct 2020

Bake Through the Bible came about through a shared desire to talk to our children about their Saviour Jesus through the everyday moments. That desire hasn’t changed, but the challenges are ever changing (not to mention that we have more children to share Jesus with now!).... continue reading

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