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Search results for 'discover'

#MeToo and the command that convicts us all

Sam Allberry | 5 Mar 2020

It’s not often a single tweet seems to explode into an enormous movement. But on October 15, 2017, a Hollywood actress posted a tweet in response to the growing awareness of sexual abuse that was being uncovered in the movie industry. She wrote, If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted …

What journeys tell us about Jesus

Sinclair Ferguson | 19 Feb 2020

Most of us have made journeys that have been memorable. Some have brought gladness, others sadness. Very few people we meet have never been on a journey—though I did know one of them, many years ago.  ... continue reading

Are the psalms really for new covenant Christians?

Christopher Ash | 18 Feb 2020

What does a psalm mean for Christian people today? We can ask this question on several levels. ... continue reading

How to prioritise evangelism at Easter

Jonty Allcock | 11 Feb 2020

Here are three ways it might transform our experience of Easter as we reclaim Jesus’ death and resurrection as of first importance.... continue reading

The problem with gender self-identification

Matt Fuller | 9 Jan 2020

The following article is an extract from Be True to Yourself by Matt Fuller. In it, he discusses the problems with gender self-identification. ... continue reading

The problem with one of our culture’s favourite slogans

Matt Fuller | 6 Jan 2020

I want to suggest that there’s a problem with the radical “be true to yourself” individualism that we’re encouraged to adopt today: it makes it harder to get on with others.... continue reading

Bestsellers of 2019

Eleanor Elms | 17 Dec 2019

2019 has been an exciting year for us here at The Good Book Company. By God’s grace, we’ve released over 40 products on a vast array of topics. We hope you loved reading them as much as we loved editing, designing, printing, promoting and delivering them.... continue reading

Staff picks of the year: what we loved reading in 2019

Joe Henegan | 10 Dec 2019

We’re a booky bunch. You may have guessed. Not only do we enjoy writing, editing, making and selling our own great books, but (and don’t tell my boss I wrote this) we also love books by other publishers.... continue reading

How to help your kids read the Bible

Chris Morphew | 5 Nov 2019

If your child’s first attempts at Bible reading aren’t all that inspiring, it’s important to acknowledge and empathise with their frustration – but also to encourage them to come back tomorrow and give it another shot.... continue reading

Why We Don't Do Halloween (And What We Do Do Instead)

Andrew Phillips | 30 Oct 2019

This post is about why we, as family, don’t “do Halloween”—and what we do instead. Cue almost as much disagreement as a blog post about why someone doesn’t “do Santa” with their kids…... continue reading

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