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What's Coming Up in May

Eleanor Dell | 26 Apr 2018

We’ve got an exciting month of releases coming up…

The Art of Rest by Adam Mabry

Lead Pastor of Aletheia Church, Boston Adam Mabry is a self-professed rest failure but with God’s grace he’s begun to learn the art of rest and wants to share it with you. We live at a time when busyness is celebrated and rest is seen as a waste of time or missed opportunity. If we’re not out doing something, we’re living it vicariously through social media and probably experiencing FOMO. Rest in 2018 looks like Netflix, enjoying a bath, practising mindfulness and having a nap: these aren’t bad in and of themselves (I for one am a champion of the humble nap), however they aren’t what the Bible describes as rest. Jesus said  “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11 v 28-30). When you get home from church on a Sunday evening, do you feel rested and barely burdened or exhausted and anxious? Adam claims that biblical rest is less rule and more rhythm as he lays out a pattern of rest for our entire lives, not just for Sundays. Find out more about the book here


Life Tastes Better by Terry Virgo  

As founder of the Newfrontiers church network, Terry has drawn from decades of experience in sharing the gospel to produce a short, evangelistic book about what life with Jesus is really like. It’s true that many people think following Jesus will make life worse not better. But what we see in the gospels is that Jesus wasn’t a dull, boring, religious figure. He went to parties, had time for all sorts of people and ate breakfast on the beach with his mates. He said “ I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10 v 10)— as Christians we could do well to remember this. It might just be one of the most powerful witnesses to the presence of Christ in our lives. Find out more here.

Down, Not Out by Chris Cipollone

Mental health is becoming less stigmatised, more talked about and increasingly better understood by sufferers and non-sufferers alike. Praise God! However, we still have a way to go, particularly in processing what living with mental health looks like for Christians. That’s why Chris Cipollone wrote this book. In his own words “depression is something that I’ve lived with for almost 10 years—I ended up in a psychiatric clinic towards the end of my theological studies and I began preaching what I’d learnt to myself: what would I say to someone in my situation?” Down, Not Out has been created with thought and intention: the chapters are short and the design is clean and uncluttered. Dr Andrew Nicholls called Down, Not Out, “a book the church needs” and Adam Ford said that it’s “an encouraging book for those of us suffering from anxiety and depression and a helpful guide for those who do not”. Chris sums it up well when he says: “What is distinctive about this book is that I’ve shown a lot of myself—my hope is that it will be relatable for people”. Click here to find out more about the book. 

5 Things to Pray for Your Heart by Rachel Jones

This is fourth in the award winning ‘5 Things to Pray’ series by Rachel Jones. Praying can be hard: often our prayers feel like shopping-list style requests or last-minute pleas to get through the day. But God wants us to pray bigger, better, bolder prayers for ourselves. And that’s where this book comes in. It has 5 simple suggestions for each area of our Christian life, drawn from the Bible; because when we pray in line with God’s will, exciting things start happening! Pre-order your copy here

Eleanor Dell

Eleanor is a Digital Marketing Assistant for The Good Book Company. She studied English Literature at the University of Birmingham and interned in a handful of different publishing houses before joining the company.

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