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5 ways to use Where Is God in a Coronavirus World?

Joe Henegan | 6 Apr 2020

We’ve all been scratching our heads. 

Usual freedoms removed. Familiar comforts gone. Economic ruin. Fear, anxiety, paranoia and pain. Everything we once relied on...gone. This is undoubtedly a good time to tell people about the hope they can have in a God who knows, cares and suffered like we do. 

That’s why John Lennox has written Where Is God in a Coronavirus World? 

Where is God in a Coronavirus World?

Where is God in a Coronavirus World?

£2.99 £2.54

How belief in a loving and sovereign God helps us to make sense of and cope with the suffering caused by COVID-19.

But it begs the question—how? If I can’t leave my house, how can I actually tell people the good news? And how can I get a book like this into their hands? It certainly casts a strange light onto what Paul said in Romans 10 v 14.

It’s a logistical challenge that calls for some creativity. So here are 5 ways you can use Where Is God in a Coronavirus World? during a national lockdown.

  1. Start a virtual book club and encourage every member to get a copy for themselves.

  2. Drop it through letterboxes when you're doing your daily exercise (in a safe and hygienic way, of course). 

  3. Leave a pile at your local bus stop/shopping centre/community centre.

  4. Leave a pile on your doorstep with a sign for postmen offering them a free copy.

  5. Post a photo of it on social media or your neighbourhood WhatsApp group along with a quote from the book.

Oh, and lastly, please do send us a photo to admin@thegoodbook.co.uk of how you’re using or sharing the book. We need all the ideas we can get!

Buy Where Is God in a Coronavirus World? here

Joe Henegan

Joe is our Marketing Manager. He lives in South London with his wife and two daughters and is a member at River Church Sutton - part of the Newfrontiers network - where he runs a small group and various outreach activities.

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