We’ve all been scratching our heads.
Usual freedoms removed. Familiar comforts gone. Economic ruin. Fear, anxiety, paranoia and pain. Everything we once relied on...gone. This is undoubtedly a good time to tell people about the hope they can have in a God who knows, cares and suffered like we do.
That’s why John Lennox has written Where Is God in a Coronavirus World?
How belief in a loving and sovereign God helps us to make sense of and cope with the suffering caused by COVID-19.
But it begs the question—how? If I can’t leave my house, how can I actually tell people the good news? And how can I get a book like this into their hands? It certainly casts a strange light onto what Paul said in Romans 10 v 14.
It’s a logistical challenge that calls for some creativity. So here are 5 ways you can use Where Is God in a Coronavirus World? during a national lockdown.
Start a virtual book club and encourage every member to get a copy for themselves.
Drop it through letterboxes when you're doing your daily exercise (in a safe and hygienic way, of course).
Leave a pile at your local bus stop/shopping centre/community centre.
Leave a pile on your doorstep with a sign for postmen offering them a free copy.
Post a photo of it on social media or your neighbourhood WhatsApp group along with a quote from the book.
Oh, and lastly, please do send us a photo to admin@thegoodbook.co.uk of how you’re using or sharing the book. We need all the ideas we can get!
Joe is our Marketing Manager. He lives in South London with his wife and two daughters and is a member at River Church Sutton - part of the Newfrontiers network - where he runs a small group and various outreach activities.