Americans are facing a weighty political decision. So why not take a few moments now to pray for your brothers and sisters in the US?
In 1 Peter 2 v 16-17 the apostle gives Christians five quick-fire instructions, all of which make great prayer requests in light of Tuesday’s election.
Heavenly Father, as we approach the election, please help Christians to…
1. “Live as God’s slaves.”
Pray that Christians in the US would use their vote as “God’s slaves”—not seeking what they want, but what our heavenly Master wants. Ask God to give his people a humble, prayerful attitude towards the election—and ask for his wisdom as they cast their ballot.
2. “Show proper respect to everyone.”
Thank God for the privilege of a democratic process which allows everyone to participate. Pray that dialogue over the next few days would show honor to everyone, whatever their political views. Ask that proper respect would be shown by news agencies, politicians, and political activists—but most especially, pray that what comes out of your own mouth and keyboard would be respectful too.
3. “Love the family of believers.”
Thank God that we belong to a community more important and more permanent than our nations—we belong to a family of believers. Pray that the church's love and unity in the gospel would always supersede differences in political opinion. You can love your family of believers right now by spending some time praying for them.
Be encouraged that however people vote, God knows the outcome.
4. “Fear God.”
Praise our Almighty Creator that he is completely and utterly sovereign. He ordains and restrains. Thank God that this means you don’t need to fear economic meltdown, Islamic terrorism, nuclear war, out-of-control-immigration, or anything else. Ask God to give you a reverent awe of his power that eclipses any anxiety about the future.
5. “Honor the emperor.”
Ask God to help Christians to keep his command to honour the new President, whoever it is and whether or not they seem worthy of respect. Pray that you would show honor in the way that you think about them, talk about them and pray for them. Pray now that those whom God will put in authority would rule wisely and well, and that US citizens would honor the government officials who strive to maintain the peace.
Finally, be encouraged that however people vote, God knows the outcome.
Helpful? Get more prayer ideas just like this in 5 things to pray for your church and 5 things to pray for the people you love.