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On to a Good Thing

Phil Grout | 24 Apr 2012
1. Visual Theology - The Fruit of the Spirit

An infographic from Tim Challies on the Fruit of the Spirit.

2. The Book of Romans in 45 Tweets

Jonathan Parnell of Desiring God attempts to summarise the book of Romans in just 45 tweets!

3. John Cleese Reading C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters"

Listen to "The Screwtape Letters" read by John Cleese.

4. 5 Things to Pray for Your Congregation As You Prepare to Lead Worship

Kristen Gilles gives 5 helpful prayer points for church music groups.

5. And finally…

Introducing our video of the week from Bible By The Beach. Tickets are still available for this year's event in Eastbourne between Friday 4th May and Monday 7th May 2012.

Found something that you think should make it on to the On to a Good Thing round-up? Send it to: ontoagoodthing@thegoodbook.co.uk

Phil Grout

Phil is the Film and Media Editor at The Good Book Company. You can watch The Good Book Company's videos on their YouTube Channel. He also blogs at The Good Book Blog.