1. Serving without Sinking E-Book Deal
Until midday on Thursday, the e-book version of Serving without Sinking is available for just £1.50 in the UK and $1.99 in the US.
2. 7 Arrows for Bible Reading
Matt Rogers shares his Bible reading tool to help people read and understand the Bible.
3. How to Be Better Bereans
Kevin deYoung looks at how we can become better Bereans:
Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
4. 18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Kids
Tim Challies gives 18 things he knows he will not regret doing with his kids.
5. A Game Plan for New Disciples
Ryan Kearns at the Resurgence tries to answer the question, What do we do with someone who has just become a Christian?'.
6. We'll keep a welcome in the hillside
Paul Levy shares top tips for those involved in welcoming in the local church.
7. And finally…
Our video of the week, an updated video from Ed Drew, children's worker at Dundonald Church, 'Halloween - What should we do?':
Found something that you think should make it on to the On to a Good Thing round-up? Send it to: ontoagoodthing@thegoodbook.co.uk
Phil is the Film and Media Editor at The Good Book Company. You can watch The Good Book Company's videos on their YouTube Channel. He also blogs at The Good Book Blog.