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Aisha's story: Discovering Jesus

Tim Thornborough | 16 May 2014

In the development of the Discovering Jesus course, the material was extensively trialled among a wide variety of people and situations. Here is the story of one woman who took part in one of these trial courses:

I was invited to take part in a course called Discovering Jesus Through Asian Eyes. I am from a Muslim family, but there were two other girls from a Hindu background who were also interested in Christianity.

The course answered a lot of questions that the majority of Asians ask about Jesus and faith in God. It was very relaxed and enjoyable as we talked about these questions and looked at passages in the Bible. What amazed me was to discover that believing in Jesus is very different from the rules and beliefs that I had tried to follow.

It became evident that many of my “beliefs” were based more around culture and man-made rules. For me, having clear words from God from the Bible strengthened my belief that there is a living God.

As each session went by, I realised that I didn’t have to change who I was; my Bengali culture, my relationships, clothing, or the food I liked, to be a follower of Jesus Christ. All I needed to do was claim Jesus as my saviour, I could be the same person for my family and for myself.

I have never felt such peace in God. Now I know the Holy Spirit is guiding me, giving me peace, wisdom, courage—and I just feel so loved. I don’t feel lonely anymore.

This is an extract from the booklet Jesus through Asian eyes now available from The Good Book Company.

Tim Thornborough

Tim Thornborough is the founder and Publishing Director of The Good Book Company. He is series editor of Explore Bible-reading notes, the author of The Very Best Bible Stories series, and has contributed to many books published by The Good Book Company and others. Tim is married to Kathy, and they have three adult daughters.