Suncream? Check. Swimwear? Check. Sturdy trainers for those early morning walks? Check. Phone charger to enable a constant flow of photos to Instagram? Check ...
Many of us will be packing in the coming weeks. And, if you're anything like me, there may be a list lurking somewhere in your home to help ensure nothing gets forgotten. If you've got yours to hand, it might be worth a glance, because I have a question to pose to us all: Amid the currency and the clothes, what are we each packing to help us keep Jesus at the centre of our rest and refreshment?
It's brilliant to visit some far-flung places, build sand-castles with the kids or surf some waves; it's great to enjoy an ice-cream (or three) or check out the latest movie releases and maybe take in some art; and who doesn't enjoy that extra long lie-in and the all-you-can-eat buffet ... I can almost begin to smell the bacon as I type! But if that's all our holidays provide, then it will only be our bodies that come home momentarily refreshed, not our hearts.
Holidays - like everything else in our lives - can be used to God's glory or as an opportunity to push him further into the periphery of our lives. We can see our time away as a chance to build up our relationship with the King of creation (and the people he has placed within our network of family or friends) or a week to dump him from our consciousness. It's worth pondering which route we are going to take.
So, if it's not on there already, why not consider one of the following:
Commit yourself to reading through a Gospel while you're away
It wont take long but it'll be a great reminder of just how wonderful Jesus truly is. Matthew, Mark, Luke or John - they're all brilliant!
Download an ebook that will help fuel your walk with God
You can check out the great selection of ebooks we have available for your Kindle, iPad and more. All of which will help feed your hearts as you bronze your skin.
Get your prayer life back on track
We all struggle from time to time. Pick up the useful little Minizine from Matthias Media, Help for a sick prayer life and commit yourself to praying for everyone in your address book while you're away.
Pick up a bite-sized tree-book that will sharpen your faith
Our Questions Christians Ask range will be light in your suitcase yet nourishing to your soul.
Get a selection of tracts to hand out to people you meet
There's no reason why you can't have a good gospel conversation with people you meet while you're away. We've got a helpful selection of tracts - in English and other languages - that would be a great way to encourage the people you meet to keep thinking about Jesus after you've returned home.
Pray with your kids or spouse or friends every day you're away
It's such a privilege to spend time talking with all the people you love most - let's not allow that opportunity to pass us by ... If you've got little ones, maybe Table Talk could be a good way to start your holiday devotions.