I liken Primer to one of those oxygen maks you see in airline safety demonstrations. If you’re not breathing in oxygen yourself, you’re in no place to help anyone else. The two of you will simply suffocate together.... continue reading
How one children's worker adapted Wonderfully Made to reach out to a toddler group with lots of internationals.
... continue reading
Baby baptisms or dedications, weddings and funerals are opportunities for churches to reach out and share the gospel.... continue reading
"We must come to Jesus not with hands filled with all the things we have done, but with empty hands, ready to receive what God has done."... continue reading
If God knows everything and can do anything—why do we need to pray?... continue reading
Becky Pippert, author of Discovering the Real Jesus, talks about seeker Bible studies... continue reading
"It is through faith in Jesus that we become fully alive and truly human."... continue reading
In this interview Rico reflects on the struggles of outreach in a post-Christian society and how that has fed into a brand new edition of the Christianity Explored course... continue reading
John Piper answers this question in this short video... continue reading
Is commitment harder than it used to be? How do we do evangelism in a culture that can’t commit?... continue reading