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Growing Young Disciples Talks - 2012/2013

Growing Young Disciples Talks - 2012/2013

Talks and seminar recordings from Growing Young Disciples in Southampton (2012), London (2012) and Rugby (2013).

Digital download

Download the talks, seminars and workshops that were recorded at Growing Young Disciples in Southampton (2012), London (2012) and Rugby (2013) here for free!

Highly recommended for any children's and youth workers.

(Please note that some of the seminar and workshop recordings have not been edited throughout, so there may be some pauses where group discussions have taken place)

Main Talks

Jesus: then and now - Andrew Page (London)
Jesus: the Lord of youthwork - Andrew Page (London)


Helping children understand who Jesus is - Tim Thornborough (London)
Helping children understand who Jesus is - Tim Thornborough (Southampton)
What a privilege it is to introduce young children to the Lord Jesus. This seminar will help those who work with children think through some of the issues about how we teach little ones about the Lord. Practical insight for your work with 3-11-year olds.

Helping boys understand who Jesus is - Stuart Chaplin (Southampton)
Helping boys understand who Jesus is - Jonty Allcock (London)
Many boys grow up thinking that "religion is for girls". This seminar will help leaders work out how they can teach and lead to help boys in particular grow up knowing that Jesus is a real man, for real men. This seminar is suitable for leaders of all types of group.

Ministering like Jesus - Trevor Pearce (Southampton)
Ministering like Jesus - Nick Jackman (Rugby)
The gospel is communicated not just by what we say, but also how we teach and live. Trevor will help us think about how we can learn from the way the Lord Jesus taught and worked; and then shape our own ministries around His example.

Group A workshops

Compassion that is real - Helen Thorne (London)
Compassion that is real - David Stanford (Southampton)
Exams, bereavement, family breakdown and personal sin. How do we respond practically and compassionately when our teenagers are faced with overwhelming problems in their lives?

Making the most of the parables - Jonty Allcock (London)
Making the most of the parables - Stuart Chaplin (Southampton)
Some cracking ideas to spice up your storytelling, and the way you present Jesus' "easy but difficult" tales of the unexpected.

One to one work with teens - Carl Laferton (London)
One to one work with teens - Helen Thorne (Southampton)
One to one work with teens - Andy Clark (Rugby)
Practical help on how you can go one-to-one with teenagers – to read the Bible, pray, mentor and encourage.

Praying with children - Jane Watkins & Nicola Musson (London)
Teaching children to pray - Jane Watkins & Nicola Musson (Southampton)
Praying with children - Helen Buckley (Rugby)
Great ideas and advice on how to start young children on the pathway of prayer.

Crafts that really work - Tim Thornborough (London)
Crafts that really work - Sue Fearon (Rugby)
Grab hold of a bagful of ideas to elevate your craft activities from colouring to creative.

Group B workshops

Images of Jesus. Can we use them? Should we? - Alison Mitchell (London)
Images of Jesus. Can we use them? Should we? - Alison Mitchell (Southampton)
Children's material is full of images of the Lord Jesus. But should we use them? Could we use them? This workshop led by Alison Mitchell will examine the pros and cons, and help you think through the issues around this age-old question.

Sure thing. How do we handle doubt in children, teens and ourselves? - Tim Thornborough (London)
Sure thing. How do we handle doubt in children, teens and ourselves? - Tim Thornborough (Southampton)
Tim Thornborough examines doubt in children and teenagers in a workshop that will help strengthen your faith in the Bible and ability to handle questions as a leader.

The social network. Reclaiming social media. - Alan Witchalls (London)
The social network. Reclaiming social media. - Ben Putt (Rugby)
Facebook, Twitter and BBM are integral to the lives of our children and young people. How do we understand, embrace and reclaim social media in our own lives and in the lives of those we teach?

Team talk. Developing and working with teams. - Trevor Pearce (London)
Team talk. Developing and working with teams. - Nick Jackman (Rugby)
We all work in teams, and many of the pressure points we struggle with as leaders come from the way we interact and work together. Trevor Pearce shares some top tips from his experience of being part of, leading and forming teams to work with children and young people.

Product details

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Format Digital download
First published June 2013
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company
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