Examine the evidence for Christianity and why it is worth considering.
Many people assume that Christianity is simply a nice story for kids, a comforting crutch to lean on, or completely out of touch with modern life.
In this warm, honest book, Ben Shaw invites sceptical readers to think again. He outlines seven reasons why Christianity is worth considering—or reconsidering—not least because it offers some thought-provoking and rational answers to our deepest questions.
Ben Shaw was brought up in a non-Christian home and held many of the common objections to faith himself. He writes with warmth and empathy to encourage readers to investigate the person of Jesus and decide for themselves whether Christianity has credible answers to the meaning of life.
1. Because It's Worth Thinking Through What Life Is Really All About
2. Because the Christian Faith Is More Intellectually Credible Than You Think
3. Because Christianity Is About Life to the Fullest
4. Because Christianity Gives a Compelling Assessment of What's Wrong With the World
5. Because Jesus Is Arguably the Most Influential Person Who Has Ever Lived
6. Because the Death of Jesus Is Actually Surprisingly Good News for You
7. Because If Jesus Really Did Rise From the Dead, Then It Confirms Everything
What Next?
Contributors | Ben Shaw |
ISBN | 9781784986346 |
Format | Paperback |
First published | May 2021 |
Dimensions | 128mm x 198mm x 9mm |
Weight | 0.16 kg |
Language | English |
Pages | 144 |
Publisher | The Good Book Company |
Ben Shaw does not write this book from some theological ivory tower. He writes as a man in the midst of a life-threatening battle with cancer. I found that that fact gave every chapter such a ring of authenticity. This book is clear, well-argued, compelling, vivid and personal. I found it such a help and thoroughly commend it.
Ben Shaw writes humbly and powerfully from his own experience and is always honest, clear and engaging. This is an excellent book for anyone prepared to give the Christian faith a look—or at least open to being persuaded that it might be worth doing so.
Drawing on his own experience of discovery, Ben writes with openness, humour and clarity, pointing us towards a truly stunning prospect—that Jesus Christ was God in human form and that he is worth knowing and following. This is a must-read for anyone considering if there might be more to life.
Shaw notes that he first began to think about God and the Bible after the death of his mother over four decades ago, and his curiosity gave way to finding intellectually and spiritually satisfying answers to life’s biggest questions. Shaw covers existential questions, historical questions, and theological questions while providing practical, digestible answers for readers.... continue reading
Shaw explains that Jesus is the most influential person in history by looking at his words of conviction, words of controversy, his conduct, and miracles. Shaw ultimately invites his readers to pick up one of the Gospels and see for themselves.... continue reading
We all have family members, friends, colleagues & neighbours who are sceptical about Jesus and the Christian faith, right? If so, this concise & informative book by Ben Shaw may be a useful ally.... continue reading
This is an excellent book for non- Christians & Christian readers. When I first read this book I couldn't put it down and have subsequently re-read it. The book is simply written and very easy to read. It provides compelling evidence to support the Bible, as well as practical examples and steps that have enabled me to confidently discuss the Bible with my non- Christian friends. I have also shared this book with others, who have all positively rated it.
This book also references the true day of the Sabbath, which is great to see in a Christian book.
Unfortunately I didn't get to meet Ben as I joined Boathouse after his time, but I wish I could have known him whilst he was writing this incredible book and have an in depth chat with him!
Contrary to the title of the book, it really is a beneficial read for Christians, not just non-Christians! It reinforced my faith, especially Ben's last few pages where he talked about his cancer diagnosis and how he himself had to reconsider his faith.. and that it came out stronger with him having more hope in our Lord and the eternal life we have in Him!
Furthermore, God was so good with the timing of me reading this book - a new colleague at work is sceptical of becoming a Christian as he does not see enough evidence to prove Christ rose from the dead - Chapter 7 (the 7th reason) addresses this directly and I hope & pray that I relayed it well to my colleague, so that he can really see Christ is our true saviour and that He did indeed rise from the dead to save us from our sins!
This book is like an open invitation to ask some really good questions about life, Jesus, and the Bible. I didn't find it pushy, and at the end, it doesn't offer a sinner's prayer, instead it has some helpful suggestions for those who want to take it further and ask more questions. Ultimately, I would say it is set up to help people make an informed choice on whether the Bible is trustworthy and worth investigating.
The section that has stuck with me the most is a section on 'misheard lyrics'. In a similar way to how we can mishear certain lyrics, this book makes the case that the message of the bible can be also be misheard for various reasons. It then goes on to look at the misheard lyrics we often have about God, Jesus, and Heaven, and then presents us with the real lyrics according to the Bible. I love that it also makes a case for the intellectual credibility of the message of the Bible, and challenges those who write off the reliability of the Bible when really they are just assuming it is unreliable.
The copy I had was borrowed, upon finishing I promptly went out and purchase a copy for myself, and a few spares, as I have several friends this book would be perfect for.
Ben, thanks so much for your wonderful book, 7 reasons to consider Christianity. And thanks so much for letting us/me know about your current situation with cancer and the real meaning of 'life' and what on earth is life about and what happens when we die. I had always been a well healthy bloke with a good self employed job, a fab wife and 4 great kids. Then when off to work on August 13th 2008 I had a sub-arachnoid haemorrhage bust in my head. I fell out of my transit and that was me gone. An A&E bloke passing by saw me fall and rushed over to save my life, lucky or what! I was rushed to hospital and had major surgery but I was well gone in a coma. I came back round and the dear surgeon told me a should have died at least twice and be badly handicapped. Well to cut it short Ben, I had a mindboggling experience of 'heaven', it burns constantly in my mind. It was and constantly is a huge confirmation of my faith as a Christian and I am so looking forward to my next day of life and amazing eternity with Jesus our amazing God. I am well back at work and meet up with loads of guys and love 'talking real' with them about my faith. Your book will be so good to hand over to folk I talk to about Jesus and the reality of 'life' and what matters. So easy to read and so deep. Well done mate.
I've just finished reading through this book with a view to possibly buying multiple copies to give away in conjunction with some evangelistic outreach from our church. For anyone who is willing to spend some time thinking through the claims of Christianity (whether for the first time or after a long-forgotten Christian upbringing perhaps), I reckon this would be a helpful starting point, combined with the offer to meet up afterwards and discuss any questions that it might prompt. It's a very readable and accessible book, written, I think, in an engaging style suited to people who are genuinely interested in (re-)examining the Christian faith but who don't want to read something too long or heavy.
For me there were just a few minor negatives (although certainly not show-stoppers!):
A few typos have made it through the proof-reading net (p20, p94, p112);
The author (wrongly in my view) plumps for a late-date Exodus (p33); and
In the retelling of Jesus' miracle of turning water into wine (on p56), despite John 2:6 clearly stating that there were 6 water jars, the author tells us there were 7!