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5 Things to Pray for the People You Love

Prayers that change things for your friends and family

from 19 reviews

Transform your prayer life with fresh prayer ideas for your friends and family, all taken from the Bible.

Part of the 5 Things to Pray series.

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Brilliantly simple but effective
“A brilliantly simple but hugely effective means of stimulating your prayer life for church, mission, family and friends.”
Trevor Archer
Also available

We love our friends and family, and we long for God to be working in their lives. But when it comes to praying for them, often we don't quite know what to ask for. Or our requests to God on their behalf feel shallow, repetitive and stuck in a rut.

That's where this little book is designed to help. It will equip you to pray powerful prayers for the people you love—prayers that really change things, because they're based on God's word.

Each spread takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray for a person in your life. Because when we pray in line with God's priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)—and that's a truly thrilling prospect.

Use this book in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time, or pick it up whenever someone you know is in particular need of prayer.

Product details


  • Praying for the people in your life
    1. A Christian parent
    2. A wife
    3. A husband
    4. A baby
    5. A school-aged child
    6. A teenager
    7. An elderly relative
    8. A neighbour
    9. My colleagues
    10. A non-Christian friend
    11. A Christian friend
    Praying through life's ups and downs
    12. A Christian going through a hard time
    13. A Christian who is sick
    14. A Christian struggling with sin
    15. A loved one making a decision
    16. A loved one changing jobs or location
    17. Praying when someone you love has died trusting in Christ
    18. Praying when someone you love has died not trusting in Christ
    Seasonal prayers
    19. A loved one on their birthday
    20. A loved one at Christmas
    21. A loved one at Easter time


Contributors Rachel Jones
ISBN 9781910307397
Format Paperback
First published January 2016
Dimensions 110mm x 178mm x 8mm
Weight 0.09 kg
Language English
Pages 96
Publisher The Good Book Company

Also available in

Other information

This popular series is designed to boost your prayer life by giving you fresh ideas of what to pray for. Each chapter takes a passage of Scripture and looks at how it can influence how we pray for a specific issue. Be excited by how our prayers really can change things when they are based on God’s word.


Tim Chester

Crosslands Training; Author of Enjoying God

The Puritan William Gurnall once said: ‘Prayer is nothing but the promise reversed or God’s word turned inside out and formed into an argument and retorted back again upon God by faith.’ It sounds great. But what does it look like in practice? 5 Things to Pray for the People You Love and 5 Things to Pray for Your Church answer that question. They’ll walk you through using God’s word in prayer. And praying God’s word is my number one tip to help people invigorate their prayer life. So read these books and invigorate your prayers.

Trevor Archer

London Director, FIEC, UK

Five Things is a brilliantly simple but hugely effective means of stimulating your prayer life for church, mission, family and friends. Accessible and attractive, with lots of Scripture to focus prayer, it will be a great tool for churches to help members to pray regularly and creatively

John Hindley

Pastor of BroadGrace Church, Norfolk; author of Serving Without Sinking

I recommend this series to you on basis of the simple fact that they moved me to pray. They both showed me ways to pray for my church and my loved ones and they kindled in my heart a want to pray. These are simple books, with the modest and eternally profound aim to show how the Bible informs our prayers. Rachel Jones manages the difficult work in withdrawing from the picture and leaving the reader to see how simple it is to align our prayers with the will of our listening Father. These books could well be a cause of great blessing for your church and people you love.

Customer reviews

Doug McMasters
6 Feb 2023

“Excellent resource for corporate prayer”

(Review written for '5 Things to Pray for Your Church')

We're working through this book in our mid-week prayer meetings for the second time in five years. It gives excellent direction to pray for significant areas of need in the life of the church. And at the same time, the book helps everyone learn how to use scripture as a basis for their prayers.

Ross Murphy
6 Jun 2022

“Genuine help for praying people”

A great resource for those wanting to grow in prayer for those they know and love. Relatively small in size but not in substance. The attractive clear formatting makes it a pleasure to use. A very helpful and thoroughly Scriptural resource.

Alison Hall
29 May 2022


Brilliant little book, good content and well designed, I’ve started using it right away.

15 Feb 2021

“Helpful but disempowering of women”

It is helpful in that it gives ideas of different things to pray for different people which can help with your prayer life however I find the prayer ideas for wives and husbands very dated and disrespectful. Ideas of prayers for wives include 'strong marriage', 'wise speech' and a 'blessed family life'. Why should we just pray for wives to have a strong marriage and family life and not husbands?! The verses taken for inspiration all mention women or wives however the same cannot be said for the verses that are inspiration for husbands suggesting that somehow only the parts of the bible that are directed towards women are relevant to women. Overall a nice idea but unfortunately perpetuates unhelpful ideas.

10 Jul 2019

“Love this resource”

So often I find it hard to stay focussed in my prayer life, and I end up just praying circumstantial things for others and myself. This series has really helped me pray big biblical prayers.

Mary Elliot
22 Mar 2019

“Best resource 2017(the Eden Winner awards)”

(Review written for '5 Things to Pray for your Church')

The title is slightly misleading as it suggests that there are just 5 things to pray for your church. In fact different bible passages suggest fresh and relevant prayers. i have used it individually and in a group setting.

Sandra Owens
14 Aug 2018

“very useful”

(Review written for '5 Things to Pray for your Church')

this little book gives simple guidelines on focusing prayers for your church, it is easy to read and scripture is used to guide the prayers. Very helpful

Yvonne Holdaway
16 Jun 2018

“How to pray.....”

(Review written for '5 Things to Pray for your Church')

A useful resource to guide us, as a group, in prayer through a time of change and transition in our church

Lyn Fitzpatrick
7 Jun 2018

“Straight to the point”

I love all these prayer books and am able to get down to business with God straight away as these books give such brilliant ideas of what to focus on.

Sue Johnson
21 Nov 2017

“Focused Praying”

(Review written for '5 Things to Pray for your Church')

I have been a committed church member for many years, but was aware that my prayers for my church were rather vague and unfocused. I saw this book advertised, and although my first thought was 'only five things to pray?', it was very reasonably priced so I bought it. I discovered that in fact there are far more than just five things to pray for! I was impressed that each section was based on a passage of scripture and the 'five things' within each topic related to part of that bible passage. The book has helped me to be much more focused in my prayers, and has pointed me to specific groups or areas within the church, and also in the 'wider church'. I gave a copy to my pastor and to a friend, both of whom found it very helpful, and we have now purchased copies to encourage all of our church to pray.

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5 Things to Pray for the People You Love | Rachel Jones |
£5.99 £5.09