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Click Unit 10: 5-7s Child's Component

Click Unit 10: 5-7s Child's Component

Easy-to-use, Bible-centered teaching material for 5-7s

from 5 reviews

The child's component is a children's 'Travel diary' that reinforces the Bible message for the session.

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Also available

Unit 10 for 5-7s looks at the subject of 'Paul - a servant of Jesus' (From Acts)

The child's component for this unit is a children's 'Travel diary'. Each session the children will be able to complete an activity in their Travel diary that reinforces the Bible message for the session. The children also use the large centrefold map to chart Paul's journeys. The children can take the Travel diary home after the final session.

This child's component accompanies the Click Unit 10: 5-7s Leaders Manual. There is also a Leader's Pack available.

CLICK is a Bible-based programme for teaching and discipling children from 3-11 years. The CLICK curriculum is based on the belief that the Bible’s own theological framework should direct what is taught and how it is taught. CLICK is Bible-based, teaching the major events, concepts and doctrines of the Bible. It’s also great fun!

Product details


  • Paul - a servant of Jesus
    1. Zealous Saul (Acts 1 v 8; 7 v 54 - 8 v 1; 9 v 1-2)
    2. Man with a mission (Acts 9 v 1-22)
    3. Enemies or friends? (Acts 9 v 23-31)
    4. Joining forces for God (Acts 11 v 19-30)
    5. The first missionary journey (Acts 13 v 1-5, 13-33)
    6. Lydia believes (Acts 16 v 10-15)
    7. Good news for everyone (Acts 19 v 1-12)
    8. Paul in trouble (Acts 21-23)
    9. Appealing to Rome (Acts 25 v 1-11; 27;28)
    10. Letters from prison (Ephesians 2 v 4-10)


Age range: 5+
Contributors Alison Mitchell
Format Paperback
First published September 2007
Dimensions 210mm x 297mm x 1mm
Weight 0.06 kg
Language English
Pages 16
Publisher The Good Book Company
Customer reviews

Helen Bryant
4 Mar 2024

“Really helpful”

(Review written for 'Click Unit 10: 5-7s Leader's Manual')

i constantly return to click for our younger children's club. I find them very helpful in making me think through the passage and working out what I want the children to go home knowing. Lots of ideas to use depending on how much time available. Thoroughly recommend.

Amanda Higgins
11 Feb 2021


Love these workbooks. Lovely interactive maps and diary entries etc. Very different to the last set which had collectable cards.

Margaret Thompson
6 Jan 2016

“The material is excellent but workbooks should be included for all age-groups”

(Review written for 'Click Unit 10: 5-7s Leader's PACK (Manual + Posters + Child's Component)')

The material is excellent but work-books should be included for all age-groups.

Catherine Webster
31 Dec 2014

“Limited value”

For some lessons, there are not much, if anything, to complete & I have found that it is necessary to have an additional activity to accompany this work book. At the moment, the children in my class are mostly over the 5-7 age group though, but even when I had younger children, it was still advisable to have something else for them to do. However the children do seem to enjoy having a workbook to take home when it's completed.

David Allsopp
16 Jan 2010

“Excellent material”

We have been using these for quite a while now, I still think they are probably the best and most thorough around at the moment!

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Click Unit 10: 5-7s Child's Component | Alison Mitchell |