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If You Could Ask God One Question (ebook)

If You Could Ask God One Question ebook

from 7 reviews

Answers to the 12 most frequently-asked questions about God.

Part of the Christianity Explored series.

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If you could ask God one question, and you knew it would be answered, what would it be?

Paul Williams and Barry Cooper have spent several years asking people that question. And inside this book, they reveal the results: the 12 most frequently asked questions about God.

But this isn't just a book about questions. There are answers too. Answers from the lips of the most powerful, insightful and extraordinary figure in all of human history.

Product details


  • Where to begin?

    1. If you're really there, God, why on earth don't you prove it?

    2. Isn't the Bible just a bunch of made up stories?

    3. All good people go to heaven, right?

    4. If you're a God of love, why send anyone to Hell?

    5. If Jesus really was your Son, how come He got killed?

    6. If I can be forgiven everything, doesn't that mean I can do whatever I like?

    7. How can anyone be sure there's life after death?

    8. What about followers of other religions?

    9. Isn't faith just a psychological crutch?

    10. Why do you allow suffering?

    11. Why do you hate sex?

    12. Why don't you just do a miracle?

    13. So, God, if You could ask me one question, what would it be?

    What now?



Contributors Barry Cooper, Paul Williams
ISBN 9781784982492
Format eBook
First published March 2017
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company/CE

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Find out what others are saying about 'If You Could Ask God One Question here


Rico Tice

Founder, Christianity Explored Ministries

If you've ever wanted to ask God a question, there's a good chance you'll find it answered carefully and compassionately inside this book. And for those of us who long to offer hopeful, loving, truthful answers, this book couldn't be more welcome. I wholeheartedly recommend it.

Customer reviews

18 Jul 2020

“Well written and very helpful for evangelism.”

A useful and short book to encourage those asking questions from Christianity Explored to read and for those who have brought them along too. A very helpful answer to the question why does God allow suffering?

Anne Gould
27 Jun 2020

“Asking God one question....”

This is an excellent short and to the point read. It is clear and very easy to read and understand.

31 May 2020

“Altogether great!”

(Review written for 'If You Could Ask God One Question')

Simply good on all fronts - value for money, great selection of books, timely delivery and excellent customer service. Its a blessing to our generation!

Mark Dean
29 May 2020

“I think these books and lessons are wonderful. The videos are too.”

(Review written for 'If You Could Ask God One Question')

Wonderful! I've never experienced so much knowledge in such a simple format. Thank you all and God bless

10 May 2020

“Fantastic book. Love it!”

(Review written for 'If You Could Ask God One Question')

I read this book many years ago and it gave me a lot of answers to the questions I want ask by myself or by my friends. It gives me confidence to face the doubt.

Saint John
7 Jan 2020

“Suggestion for reprint”

(Review written for 'If You Could Ask God One Question')

Brilliant book. Thank you for putting it together. Please consider a title change in next reprint: substitute Christ for God. That's because many non-westerners do not immediately associate God with Christ. They have other entities they call god.

18 Nov 2019

“Review on If you could ask God one question”

This is the best book on evangelism. This has been very helpful in my preaching

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If You Could Ask God One Question (ebook) | Barry Cooper, Paul Williams |
£5.99 £4.79