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Click Unit 11: 5-7s Child's Component

Click Unit 11: 5-7s Child's Component

Easy-to-use, Bible-centered teaching material for 5-7s

from 1 review

The child's component is a 'my travels in time' photo album cover and 'children's travel photos'.

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Unit 11 for 5-7s looks at the subject of 'Pictures of Jesus' (from the Gospel of Mark)

The child's component for this unit is a photo album entitled 'My travels in time', composed of a full-colour front and back cover, and ten Children's travel photos that will be added to the photo album each session. The children will also be encouraged to copy the verse from the leader's poster for that session into their photo albums.

This child's component accompanies the Click Unit 11: 5-7s Leaders Manual. There is also a Leader's Pack available.

CLICK is a Bible-based programme for teaching and discipling children from 3-11 years. The CLICK curriculum is based on the belief that the Bible’s own theological framework should direct what is taught and how it is taught. CLICK is Bible-based, teaching the major events, concepts and doctrines of the Bible. It’s also great fun!

Product details


  • Pictures of Jesus
    1. Two people in Galilee (Mark 1 v 29-31, 40-45)
    2. The foreign woman's faith (Mark 7 v 24-30)
    3. A boy with a demon (Mark 9 v 14-29)
    4. Blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10 v 46-52)
    5. The greatest command (Mark 12 v 28-34)
    6. True worship (Mark 11 v 15-19)
    7. Remember me (Mark 14 v 22-25)
    8. Peter's confession (Mark 8 v 27-38)
    9. The transfiguration (Mark 9 v 2-10)
    10. Mary's love and trust (Mark 14 v 3-9)


Age range: 5+
Contributors Alison Mitchell
Format Poster
First published January 2008
Dimensions 297mm x 420mm x 1mm
Weight 0.03 kg
Language English
Pages 2
Publisher The Good Book Company
Customer reviews

22 Nov 2018

“Fantastic resource”

(Review written for 'Click Unit 11: 5-7s Leader's PACK (Manual + Posters + Child's Component)')

The entire Click series has made such a difference to our children's learning on a Sunday morning. I would highly recommend them. Please, please write some more. The children's component to build on or take home is great.

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Click Unit 11: 5-7s Child's Component | Alison Mitchell |