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Serving without sinking ebook

How to serve Christ and keep your joy

from 20 reviews

Shows busy Christians how to serve joyfully, not wearily.

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“This fresh, warm, honest, book did me good. There is something in it for every Christian man and woman at every stage of life.”
Christopher Ash
Director of the Proclamation Trust's Cornhill Training Course
Also available

Many of us are serving, and feel like we're sinking. We feel joyless, weary and burdened.

John Hindley shows how Jesus was telling the truth when he offered people an "easy yoke"—a way of serving him that is joyful and liberating. He explains why serving is so often joyless—and how our identity in Christ changes everything.

If you are serving, but sometimes feel as though you're sinking… you need this book!

If you know someone who has burn out, or is heading in that direction... they need this book too.

Serving with sinking...
• Is written in a personal, warm, gospel-hearted style.
• Encourages readers to see not only how they serve, but WHY they serve
• Points Christians away from themselves and back to Jesus
• Frees people from the burdens of joyless, duty-based serving

Product details


  • 1. Introduction
    2. Serving can be joyful
    3. A wrong view of God
    4. A wrong view of people
    5. Served by Christ
    6. Friends with the Boss
    7. Bride of the King
    8. Sons in the Father's business
    9. Still being served
    10. The gift of service
    11. Service is love
    12. Slaves with a Master
    13. The joy of serving Jesus


Contributors John Hindley
ISBN 9781908762962
Format eBook
First published March 2013
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

Other information

Find out what others are saying about 'Serving without Sinking' here


Tim Challies

Blogger; author, Seasons of Sorrow

As I was reading Serving Without Sinking I found myself in conversations with some of the very people it addresses--people who serve their church and who love to serve, but who are also growing weary. It was a joy to recommend the book to them and I anticipate that it will be a great blessing to them. And to you.

David Burrowes

Former Member of Parliament for Enfield Southgate

If, like me, you don’t read books much and get bogged down with Christian service, this book will help you smile. Not just because it is enjoyable, contemporary and biblical, but because it reminds us that we are served by Jesus, who—as our Master, Friend, Husband and Brother—gives us every reason not to sink, but to smile.

Christopher Ash

Writer in Residence, Tyndale House, Cambridge.

This fresh, warm, honest, book did me good. It is richly filled with grace, informed by a gritty realism, and shot through with pastoral perceptiveness. There is something in it for every Christian man and woman at every stage of life.

Independent reviews

Serving Without Sinking

Tim Challies, Challies.com, 21 May 2013

As I was reading Serving Without Sinking I found myself in conversations with some of the very people it addresses—people who serve their church and who love to serve, but who are also growing weary. It was a joy to recommend the book to them and I anticipate that it will be a great blessing to them. And to you.... continue reading


Too Driven?

Rob Ivveson, Evangelicals Now

Serving without sinking is an important book and a necessary one. It exposes how driven we can be (at times subtly) – even in the name of God-honouring ministry.... continue reading


Serving without sinking

Dave McDonald, Macarisms, 14 Jun 2013

This new book is seriously one of the most important books I’ve read. It is deeply, simply, and accurately theological. Serving without Sinking by John Hindley is liberating and empowering because it points above all to God’s grace in Jesus. It honours Christ by focusing on him, rather than you and I.... continue reading

Customer reviews

Connie Thomson
18 Jun 2019


(Review written for 'Serving without sinking')

A very encouraging read for those who are in full time service doing the Lords work. Uplifting and encouraging to the soul, through difficult days we must pput our hand to the plough and not to look back. For greater is He that is in us than he that's in the world. A must read for everyone.

30 Oct 2017

“Amazing second read”

I first read this book when it came out, and enjoyed it, but younger in ministry I just didn't grasp some of its brilliance. Several years on and I can greater appreciate its brilliance. You see yourself as in a mirror and it's a worrying sight. Somehow John manages to help you to see your mistakes without crushing you, and gently leads you through a simple biblical understanding of the true heart of service, whilst restoring with insightful questions methods to restore the father's heart behind, and gift of service. This is a good read for all those in any form of Christian service, and those who are not. Be prepared to be challenged and loved.

Joanne Liaw
18 Nov 2015

“Highly recommended!”

Every Christian should read this book!

22 Oct 2015

“Great book”

(Review written for 'Serving without sinking')

I really enjoyed this book -it's honest and yet loving and hopeful, constantly pointing the reader back to the gospel, Christ's character and what he's done for us. There were helpful insights, some of which were new to me, and I loved the joy, rest and peace that this book points us to when we serve in a right way.

Katie Holloway
19 Oct 2015

“Extremely helpful”

Whatever stage you are at in your Christian life, this book is extremely helpful. Hindley writes with both honesty and a real love for Jesus, making this book down to earth but also a joyful read. Whether you love getting stuck into church life or (more likely) you struggle to serve with right motives, or serve at all, this book will help you to serve joyfully, whatever the ministry, and love the trinitarian God even more.

10 Sep 2015

“A life-changing joy to read”

(Review written for 'Serving without sinking')

I am in danger of becoming a huge bore, the amount I am recommending and talking about this book.

Deceptively small, this is a collection of nuggets of theology that, succinctly unpacked, are likely to transform your relationship with God as you serve him.

As someone else has said it applies to our service in all areas of life, not just for the church.

It's helped us rediscover the pure joy of our Saviour Jesus Christ and how that joy, peace and rest inspires us to truly serve out of love for the One who loves us so perfectly.

It's also extremely accessible and easy to read and humorous without being cheesy.

Thank you SO much to the author and his wife!

Sandra Brunt
16 Oct 2014

“Goes to the heart of why we serve”

(Review written for 'Serving without sinking')

Are you a young mum at home with toddlers, a CEO of a big company, a friend, a wife, a daughter in law, a husband, a son, a brother, a vicar, a nurse, a teacher ? All of us are serving in some capacity. This short book will really help you get to the heart of WHY you serve. Is our serving deepening our trust in Jesus or are we just hanging on to a role to prove to the world who we are? The life of faith is never perfect but this book will show you how every day it can be a life which clings on to the person and promises of Jesus.

Delyth Sutton
2 Mar 2014

“little book with lots of wisdom”

(Review written for 'Serving without sinking')

I have found this book to be very simple yet profound in it´s implications for day to day living as a Christian worker. Christ serves me first and from this source I can then go on to serve others.
The book delves into the motives of our hearts to ask the questions as to what is our real motivation in service. A very useful book that I wopuld recommend to any Christian who seeks to serve with all their heart.

Jono Chalklin
27 Feb 2014

“Humbling and Encouraging”

(Review written for 'Serving without sinking')

John is brilliant at writing at a very simple level, and simply reminds us that Christ served us first and is still serving us today, that's how and why we keep going. I recommended this to friends and the church family because it's all about gospel truths. Plus it's a bargain!

Suzy Andrews
27 Jan 2014


Really excellent, challenging and above all a book that reminds us of the LOVE of Jesus. Everyone and anyone who feels in any way burdened needs to read this and re-evaluate our relationship with the God who serves us - that was what blew me away. I read Mark 10:45 in a new way. And this phrase sums it up for me: “Jesus doesn’t want servants, He wants friends. Jesus did not come to help us learn how to be worthy servants—He came to die because we are not worthy servants". But, you might say, don't Paul, Peter et al describe themselves as servants, if not slaves?.....Read on!!

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Serving without sinking (ebook) | John Hindley |
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