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Engage: Issue 9 ebook

Connecting you with God's Word

Edited by Martin Cole
from 50 reviews

Issue 9 of Engage looks at Hebrews, Acts, Joel, Joshua and Psalms.

Part of the Engage series.

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Mobi version (to side-load on older Kindles)

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Issue 9 of Engage - daily Bible reading notes for teenagers. This issue looks at Hebrews, Acts, Joel, Joshua and Psalms.

There are also articles on religion, Jesus as a human, sex and the aftermath of natural disasters.

Engage exists to help you plug into your Bible. Through Engage's pages we want to plunge into God's awesome word: discovering who God is and what He's like; seeing what God's done for us through Jesus; and exploring practical ways of living for Him. The Bible is packed with amazing stories and life-changing teaching. It's time to dive into the Bible and see God change our lives...

About the series
Engage exists to help you plug into your Bible. Through Engage's pages we want to plunge into God's awesome word: discovering who God is and what He's like; seeing what God's done for us through Jesus; and exploring practical ways of living for Him. The Bible is packed with amazing stories and life-changing teaching. It's time to dive into the Bible and see God change our lives...
Product details


  • Hebrews: Don't drift away
    Acts: Mission impossible?
    Joel: Wake up to what's coming!
    Joshua: Time to trust God
    Psalms: Scared prayers
    - Religions = wars and hate?
    - Jesus as a human being
    - Sex - what's the big deal?
    - Earthquake aftermath in Haiti

Free extras


Age range: 13+
Contributors Martin Cole
ISBN 9781909559516
Format eBook
First published June 2010
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

Other information

'In more than twenty years of youth ministry, I have not found a better resource to commend to students with confidence that they will engage with Scriptures. Our hope and prayer is that hundreds of students in our diocese will use Engage to spend time daily in God's word. We know that this will have a lasting impact on their lives and establish life-long habits of personal Bible study.'
- Dave Wright, Co-ordinator for youth ministries, Episcopal diocese of South Carolina

Customer reviews

Sandra MacMahon
22 Nov 2024

“Great Devotional”

(Review written for 'Engage Annual Subscription')

A friend recommended you site and after browsing through the different options, I chose Engage Issue 1 (ebook) as the first devotional to try. I got it for my 12 year old daughter, but I am also using it for one of my devotions. The title of the series, "engage", is very appropriate because the readings and study engages you to process and think about what you're reading and studying. I am looking forward to using your other devotions as well.

Chris Horn
4 Nov 2022

“A brilliant resource”

(Review written for 'Engage Annual Subscription')

I purchased this to use with my sons as something to work through together.

It has facilitated many interesting discussions. And I love the way it has us digging deeper into God's Word.

Jonathan Drury
15 May 2021

“Brilliant for teens”

(Review written for 'Engage Annual Subscription')

We recommend this series to our 14-year olds at church, but it's good for any teenager, I would say. Very helpful studies, a gentle intro into daily quiet times, great variety. A brilliant resource.

Anne Temple
5 Apr 2021


(Review written for 'Engage Annual Subscription')

Excellent service. Prompt and helpful. Would highly recommend.

Maggie Sawney
26 Jan 2021


(Review written for 'Engage: Issue 9')

Am really pleased with this series. I am not a teenager, far from it, but am finding these really helpful.

Joel Gardner
20 Nov 2020


(Review written for 'Engage: Issue 9')

Great delivery, good price

Gary Haseman
18 May 2020

“Great resource”

(Review written for 'Engage Annual Subscription')

During lock down as a family (our boys are 12 & 11) have used this resource several times a week as a dinner table resource and, in the main, have enjoyed blessed times. My only, very small, criticism is that now and again (for a teenage resource) the question and answers are a little basic but overall would heartily recommended this devotional.

29 Apr 2020


(Review written for 'Engage Annual Subscription')

My order arrived much quicker than I expected it to in the present circumstances and I couldn’t be happier with what I ordered.

Sue Kent
17 Feb 2020

“efficient and well run”

(Review written for 'Engage Annual Subscription')

Excellent service thank you

Rachel Freeman
31 Mar 2019


(Review written for 'Engage Annual Subscription')

I read this every night with my 12 yr old daughter. I find she is interested and engaged and it is written in a way that is easy to understand. I am very happy with it.

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Engage: Issue 9 (ebook) | Martin Cole |
£2.99 £2.39