Learn from the book of Daniel how to live confidently for Christ today.
In this realistic yet positive book, renowned Bible teacher Alistair Begg examines the first seven chapters of Daniel to show us how to live bravely, confidently and obediently in an increasingly secular society.
Readers will see that God is powerful and God is sovereign, and even in the face of circumstances that appear to be prevailing against his people, we can trust him entirely. We can be as brave as Daniel if we have faith in Daniel’s God!
“The message of Daniel is incredibly relevant for us in our generation. Not because it maps out a strategy for how to deal with our new lack of status ... or because Daniel was a great man and we need to follow his example. The reason is that it will help us to believe in Daniel’s God.” Alistair Begg, author.
Intro: The Wind Has Changed
1. Know Your Lines
2. Keep Your Confidence
3. Obey God (Despite the Consequences)
4. Speak Out (Because God Is Big)
5. See Through the Glitter
6. Serve Well, Stand Firm
7. Take Heart—God Wins
Conclusion: Jesus Shall Reign
Contributors | Alistair Begg |
ISBN | 9781784986100 |
Format | Paperback |
First published | May 2021 |
Dimensions | 128mm x 198mm x 12mm |
Weight | 0.12 kg |
Language | English |
Pages | 128 |
Publisher | The Good Book Company |
Here is an ideal combination: one of today’s stand-out gospel communicators reflecting on the life, wisdom, and sheer guts of Daniel, one of yesterday’s outstanding heroes of the faith. With clarity and grace, courage is laid bare as one of our great needs today. 'Brave by Faith' is certain to challenge and encourage Christians of every age and at every stage in life. A book for our times!”
Brave by Faith brings familiar chapters to life in a fresh way and is a timely shot of gospel-fuelled conviction in our arms. Navigating faithful discipleship through the choppy waters of the early twenty-first century feels harder than ever. But the church has been in exile before. The remarkable lives of Daniel and his three friends—and their even more remarkable God—are testimony to the fact that the throne of the Lord Jesus will 'never, like earth's proud empires, pass away.'
This book could not be more timely. Alistair Begg beautifully paints the ancient biblical story of Daniel, equipping modern readers with enduring truth and courage to live well in grim times. And he gives us a winsome reminder of how our story will actually end.
In a time where Christians seem to be facing more hostility, the temptation might be to become angry or to hide. Neither responses are right, or God-glorifying. Begg takes the reader to some familiar chapters in the book of Daniel to help you see how amazing God is and the confidence that Christians can have because of Him.... continue reading
You might find some of Begg's points to be the usual inspirational stuff. At first it feels like the usual spiritual encouragement you might have read in other books. However, as you continue to read Begg will give you clarity on who you are as a child of God and how powerful God can be despite tides rising against your faith. The part when Begg turns the discussion to discipleship and evangelism became the turning point of the book. This call into action is definitely a winner in this book.... continue reading
Begg helps us see that the whole life of Daniel was one long act of obedience. Daniel is well over 30 years old when he meets Belshazzar, and Daniel was 80 years old when he was thrown into the lion’s den. We see that God calls us to faithfulness throughout the duration of our lives. Begg brings us to Christ, and we remember the tomb of Jesus where he was delivered from death.... continue reading
This is an excellent devotional, and a wonderful counterpart to my reading of the whole Bible in a year. It focuses the mind and heart every day on an aspect of God's truth and/or character, nourishes the spirit, and leads directly into prayer. Thank you, Alistair.
Very well thought out. I appreciate the citied scriptures throughout and the scripture at the bottom for further study. One thing that would be helpful is a bookmark that tells you what the 3 symbols mean, I forget then have to go back To the beginning of the book to remember what they mean.
I was given this book in 2022, asked for Volume One in 2023, and bought Vol 2 for a friend in 2024. I am re-reading Volume Two again now in 2025. That is how beneficial I feel these devotions are. Very easy to read too. Thank you
I love Alistair's books. Quality man of God, quality, solid biblical teaching. Stayed the course!
This devotional no exception. Had his Vol 2 last year so wanted to get Vol 1 this year. Not disappointed.
And my confidence in Alastair has not wained despite current controversy, as I know the man's heart and stand on moral issues - much of current public criticism is unbalanced and out of context. Read his book Christian Manifesto to capture something of this man's heart.
I chose this as a Christmas present and am enjoying it very much. It gives you a truth to get your teeth into and mull over during the day. I love the cross-references which link passages in a way that I might not have thought of and the extra passage to read also throws more light on the topic under discussion. I'm not convinced it would work for a new Christian or someone who doesn't know the Bible very well and so may not understand the context of the verse or verses being explained and applied or the cross-references. But if you're reasonably familiar with the Bible and want to deepen your understanding, this book is really good.
Well, I’d love to leave a great review, but for some unknown reason the publishers decided to use the teeniest font size they could find. It’s impossible to read without a magnifying glass! Why on earth would you do that - is it trendy to use a tiny font size or something?! So dreadfully disappointed in wasting my money on something I can’t even read (even with glasses!) :(
Parcel packed very well, delivered on time, all books are of excellent quality.
Bought for a gift, loved by the recipient.
This isn't a light-hearted- make-you-feel-good devotional. This is truth that focuses on God, leads you to God, and keeps you in God's Word. Outstanding!
In a world mired in shifting values, evolving cultures, and diverse personalities, Alistair Begg seeks to illuminate a path that transcends the transient nature of human ideologies. He meticulously unpacks Jesus’ sermon, offering insightful reflections and encouraging Christians to embrace a life that defies societal norms.
This book is a quick read, comprising only eight brief chapters. But its brevity does not diminish its impact. Alistair Begg masterfully navigates through the nuances of the Sermon on the Plain, shedding light on topics such as happiness, integrity, loving your enemies, the heart of Jesus, and the true essence of the Golden Rule.
The Christian Manifesto is a short and inspiring read and it gives you the opportunity to reflect on your life and the words of Jesus. Alistair Begg's eloquent exploration of Jesus' sermon is really thought-provoking and moving. I can see myself re-reading this again.
The Christian Manifesto is a very encouraging and challenging book. Begg has very thoughtfully expounded upon Jesus' words from the sermon on the plain. He starts off with an invitation to happiness showing that the world is always trying to promise happiness. Everyone wants to be happy and live their best life, however Jesus' teaching on this looks very different to what the world has to say on the matter. Begg takes what is a familiar passage to many and does an excellent job of engaging our minds as we think through the verses of the sermon causing the reader to reflect and examine themselve to see if their life matches their lips. Just like his preaching; Begg has a wonderful way of explaining the text in a very accessible manner filled with wit whilst bringing great depth. This is a great book to have us think about what faith in practice looks like. I think it's a great book for all Christians whether they be a new believer or someone who has been a Christian for many years, it's a great reminder for us all on how Jesus calls us to live.