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The Glory of Grace

The Glory of Grace

An Introduction to the Puritans in their own words

Learn from the Puritans how to follow Jesus today

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Who were the Puritans? What did they seek to achieve? What were their successes and failures? Are they of any importance to Christians today?

The convictions of the Puritans resulted in a brave and joyful faith, and the writing they have left us on the Christian life continues to be a rich resource for our own discipleship. The Glory of Grace introduces readers to people who had a deep love for Jesus Christ and a great vision for the Christian life.

Each chapter contains a concise introduction followed by carefully selected excerpts from key Puritan works, together with suggestions for further reading.

Product details


  • Introduction: The Puritans

  • 1. Richard Sibbes on Assurance
    2. Thomas Goodwin on the Holy Spirit
    3. Samuel Rutherford on Covenant Confidence
    4. William Bridge on Suffering
    5. Jeremiah Burroughs on Contentment
    6. Anne Bradstreet on Loss
    7. John Owen on Communion with God
    8. Richard Baxter on Everyday Discipleship
    9. John Bunyan on Faith
    10. John Flavel on Providence
    11. Thomas Boston on the Bible


Contributors Lewis Allen, Tim Chester
ISBN 9781848718340
Format Paperback
First published November 2018
Dimensions 132mm x 216mm x 11mm
Weight 0.27 kg
Language English
Pages 184
Publisher Banner of Truth
Independent reviews

The Glory of Grace

Tony Doppke, 11 Jan 2019

The most enjoyable and profitable reading for me outside of the Bible has come from the works of the Puritans. That being said, it was hard work to get through some of these incredible books. J.I. Packer’s A Quest For Godliness was the book that first introduced me to who the Puritans were, but it was more of a summary and biography than a showcase of their actual writings.... continue reading

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The Glory of Grace | Lewis Allen, Tim Chester |
£7.00 £5.95