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Seven Dangers Facing Your Church (ebook)

Seven Dangers Facing Your Church ebook

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Identify, avoid and overcome the challenges facing your church, so that you can stay faithful in a changing culture

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Our culture is changing, and the church seems to be under increasing pressure.

But these dangers are not new—and God’s word shows us how to meet them head on. In this book, discover how Jesus’ messages to seven first-century churches in Revelation 2 – 3 is his message to your church today too.

Chapter by chapter, seasoned pastor Juan Sanchez opens up each Bible passage with warmth and clarity. He offers helpful historical details on circumstances faced by the early church, and pushes you to ask the hard questions about your own church and ministry in the light of each message. He turns the tables to show that the most deadly dangers come from within the church, not from outside of it.

But more than anything, this book will help the stressed and the struggling to fix their eyes on the risen and reigning Lord Jesus—who holds your local church in his hands.

This is a book for every pastor and elder, and anyone committed to playing their part in helping their local church thrive in an increasingly hostile environment. Together, you can live as Christ’s faithful, hope-filled people in a changing culture.

This title is available in braille, large print or on DAISY audio CD by contacting Torch Trust's Client Services team on 01858 438260.

Product details


  • Introduction
    Danger One: Loveless Orthodoxy
    Danger Two: Fear of Suffering
    Danger Three: Compromise
    Danger Four: Tolerance
    Danger Five: A Good Reputation
    Danger Six: Self-Doubt
    Danger Seven: Self-Sufficiency


Contributors Juan R. Sanchez Jr
ISBN 9781784983406
Format eBook
First published March 2018
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

David Jackman

Past President, the Proclamation Trust

Combining careful exposition and practical application out of an experienced pastor's heart, this challenging book brings the text alive with penetrating parallels to our contemporary context. Unsettling and liberating in equal measure, its message deserves to be read and pondered by every church leader and member. Above all, its central focus is consistently on the gospel and on the Lord Jesus Christ himself, the head of his church, who is the only answer to our current predicaments. I warmly commend it.

Adrian Reynolds

Head of National Ministries, FIEC UK

Every church in every age needs to hear the voice of Jesus speaking to it. In these seven letters in Revelation there is encouragement, challenge, rebuke and exhortation—all from the lips of Jesus himself. Juan has done a great job of making the voice of our ascended Saviour and Master clear, vibrant and relevant for the age in which we live. May God give us ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church!

Jonathan Leeman

Editorial Director of 9Marks Ministries; author of Reverberation and The Surprising Offense of God’s Love

Faithful, encouraging, convicting, needed. Sanchez's Seven Dangers is all this and more. He demonstrates how Jesus' words to these seven ancient churches are as relevant to our churches and our hearts as ever.

Customer reviews

Paul Cox
7 Apr 2018

“Very good read”

(Review written for 'Seven Dangers Facing Your Church')

Very good book throwing light on the issues facing the seven churches in Asia Minor and still for us today in 2018.

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Seven Dangers Facing Your Church (ebook) | Juan R. Sanchez Jr |
£6.99 £5.59