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Judges: The flawed and the flawless (Italian)

Judges: The flawed and the flawless (Italian)

6 studies for individuals or groups

Dr Timothy Keller

Timothy Keller shows us the flawed heroes of Judges—and how they point us to the flawless hero, Jesus.

Part of the Good Book Guides series.


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Timothy Keller shows us the flawed heroes of Judges—and how they point us to the flawless hero, Jesus.

This six-study guide by Timothy Keller will show users how this dark, difficult period of history points us to the wonderful message of the gospel.

Judges takes us to a time of murder and massacre, immorality and unfaithfulness. But it also reveals to us the God of mercy and long-suffering, who rescues his people time and again. And it points us to his greatest rescue, through Jesus Christ.

Product details


  • Introduction
    Why study Judges?

  • 1. A shaky start (1 v 1 – 3 v 6)
    2. Othniel, Ehud, Deborah: Expect the unexpected (3 v 7 – 5 v 31)
    3. Gideon: The dangers of success (6 v 1 – 8 v 31)
    4. Abimelech and Jephthah: Dark times (8 v 32 – 12 v 15)
    5. Samson: A shadow in the darkness (13 – 16)
    6. "Israel had no king" (17 – 21)

  • Leader's Guide


Contributors Dr Timothy Keller
ISBN 9788833061894
Format Paperback
Dimensions 140mm x 210mm x 5mm
Weight 0.15 kg
Language Italian
Pages 94
Publisher ADI Media

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