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Hoping for Happiness (ebook)

Hoping for Happiness ebook

Turning Life's most elusive Feeling into Lasting Reality

from 5 reviews

A biblical framework for living a grounded, hopeful and genuinely happy life.

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Everyone wants to be happy, and we all pursue happiness in different ways. Some people are thrill-seekers; others are homebodies. Some people are loners; others love big families or communities. Some people express things creatively; others consume what is created. Some sing; others listen to music. Whatever we find happiness in, we are united by our desire for work that matters and relationships that fulfil.

As Christians, we often fall into the trap of basing our hopes on earthly things, even when we know they only make us happy for a short time. But how are we to experience happiness in this life? How do we avoid expecting too much of earthly things and being disappointed, or expecting too little and becoming cynics?

In this book, recovering cynic Barnabas Piper helps us to throw off both the unrealistic expectations that end in disappointment and the guilty sense that Christians are not meant to have fun. He shows how having a clear view of the reality of the fall and the promise of redemption frees us to live a life that's grounded, hopeful and genuinely happy.

Foreword by Randy Alcorn, best-selling author of many books, including Happiness and The Treasure Principle, and the director of Eternal Perspective Ministries.

Product details


  • 1. The American Dream
    2. Expecting Too Little, Too Much, and Just Right
    3. Hanging Happiness on the Right Hooks
    4. We Live Cursed
    5. Deal in Reality
    6. Every Good and Perfect (and Fun) Gift
    7. In This Life There Will Be Trouble
    8. Don't Fear the Reaper
    9. Pleasures Now and Forevermore
    10. Happiness vs Holiness
    11. The Pleasure of the Promise
    12. Grounded Happiness
    13. Finding Happiness


Contributors Barnabas Piper, Randy Alcorn
ISBN 9781784985462
Format eBook
First published October 2020
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

Russell D. Moore

Editor in Chief, Christianity Today

We live in a sad time, among a people who are, it seems, divided between the downcast and the outraged. How, then, can one pursue happiness? That’s the question Barnabas Piper tackles in this book. With his skillful clarity and creativity (as always), Piper leads us to what it might mean to be a people surprised by joy and surprised to be happy at last. Read happily.

Jamie Ivey

Author of If You Only Knew; Host of The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey

Have you ever wondered if God actually cares if you are happy or not? In this book, , Barnabas walks us all through what happiness actually means and looks like. Don’t worry; it’s good news. And—spoiler alert—yes, God cares about our happiness!

Ray Ortlund

President, Renewal Ministries

Who of us doesn’t want to be happy? But happiness is hard to find and hard to hold on to. Barnabas Piper’s new book, guides us gently away from frowning religiosity and away from giggly frivolity. Barnabas helps us toward Jesus, who overflows with happiness on offer to disappointed people who are trying to figure life out—which is every one of us.

Customer reviews

Reyna Meraz
9 Oct 2020

“I found encouragement and hope”

(Review written for 'Hoping for Happiness')

I enjoyed the clarity and simplicity Barnabas had to share his ideas, and that he point you to the fountain of life: Jesus. I enjoy audiobooks most when the audio is recorded by the author, everything changes when they add their own tone and style (you can find it in ONE Audiobooks). It is very uplifting to listen an author, their process and vulnerability while writing. Thank you, Barnabas. Something happened while I was reading. I´m going through several processes in my life and for some reason, I wanted to read your book. I had several "aha" moments deep thoughts around your ideas, and I´m thankful for it because you ignited those, it was very helpful. I really like it when someone shares his voice even when they come from a family with other authors and that may be intimidating. I can relate in many things. I´m amazed how you were able to overcome all the trash people throws after a divorce, or comparison, (even when they don´t know you or know how hard it is to start again). You have keep going and I admire that, it is a great example to me in several other areas. I had never ever read about "Evangeliguilt", but it was kind of fun to read about it and also helpful to know how to "call" it (I´m not sure if you created or not the word). As I read/heard your content I was encouraged to keep my eyes on Jesus, leave behind all the burdens, to carry on with the best attitude and thankfulness no matter what, keep going even if I fall, not to think everything is said and done, and to remember the Word and Love of God is forever. Holiness and happiness coexist. We must show it.

Atley Nugent
8 Oct 2020

“Purpose Behind the Pen”

(Review written for 'Hoping for Happiness')

If you are a fan of Piper’s previous works, you will not be disappointed. Even more so, this book offers a timely message during the craziness of this year. He addresses the varied degrees of expectations and explores both high expectations and having no expectations. In turn, he explains and encourages the reader to define expectations by truth.

In one of my favorite quotes from the book, Piper wrote, “Our incomplete, marred, temporary happiness looks ahead to that day. But being incomplete, marred, and temporary doesn’t make it a farce. In Jesus our happiness is deep and real, even as we face the troubles of life.”

As with previous books, it is clear that Piper’s own experiences, struggles, and questions are driving his writing. In every line of the book, I could feel the passion behind the pen. There is a special comfort in reading words written out of purpose rather than for the sake of a new publication.

Luke Anderson
2 Oct 2020

“Happiness, holiness and the Christian”

(Review written for 'Hoping for Happiness')

“Dreams are the wishes our hearts make but our hearts are not reliable guides.”
Piper sets out from the beginning to help address our deepest desires and needs.

One of my favorite chapters in the book shows that expecting lasting happiness from sinful or temporal things will never truly satisfy. Even expecting the wrong things from God will lead to unhappiness.

Piper builds upon deep theological truths from scripture and other Christian authors and applies them practically. He uses his own experiences to help readers have a better grasp and better application for their own lives.

Piper’s book, combines biblical truth with practical wisdom and personal experiences, even adding pop cultural references to help us better understand how true happiness is possible.

Happiness is attainable and Piper helps direct us to the right sign posts to guide us in this journey of life. Piper helps us to see down the paths that lead nowhere good and points us to those that lead to everlasting joy and a day-to-day life with hope and happiness. Excellent and easy read with deep truths pointing us to Christ.

2 Oct 2020

“Huge Encouragement!”

(Review written for 'Hoping for Happiness')

This book is extremely encouraging and points you to Jesus!

Nick Minerva
1 Oct 2020

“Does God really only care about our holiness and not our happiness?”

(Review written for 'Hoping for Happiness')

Does God really only care about our holiness and not our happiness? In Hoping for Happiness @barnabaswpiper reconstructs biblical happiness and shows us how God actually wants us to be happy. In this quick and surprisingly transparent read, we are warned of many “weak hooks” we often hang our happiness on, but we’re also given promise after promise made by Jesus that produces authentic happiness in our hearts. Our world is often a sad place, but this book points us to the source of true happiness-Jesus.

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Hoping for Happiness (ebook) | Barnabas Piper, Randy Alcorn |
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