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How Christ's final day changes your every day

from 12 reviews

Follow Jesus through the last day of His life and discover how it transforms not only your future but also your present.

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“Will help you personally understand why Christ's final day is the hinge of history.”
Collin Hansen
Editorial Director of The Gospel Coalition
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Some people see Jesus' death as a historical footnote, buried in the past. Christians understand it is much more than that, and know it has transformed their future.

But often we don't realise how much Jesus' last day should change our present, too.

Walking readers through Luke's Gospel, US pastor and well-known author Mike McKinley looks at the events of the last day of Jesus' earthly life. At each point, he pauses to marvel at the love Christ has for His people; and shows how Jesus' people can learn from His passion, His care, and His integrity.

This unique book is perfect for both new and mature Christians. While great for reading at any time in the year, it's particularly helpful to read during Lent or Holy Week.

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Product details


  • Introduction
    1. The Cup
    2. Betrayal and Denial
    3. The Mockery
    4. Three Kings
    5. Give us Barabbas!
    6. The Long Walk
    7. Father, Forgive
    8. Two Criminals
    9. Climax
    10. Another Day

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Contributors Mike McKinley
ISBN 9781908762580
Format Paperback
First published January 2013
Dimensions 128mm x 198mm x 5mm
Weight 0.16 kg
Language English
Pages 160
Publisher The Good Book Company

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Find out what others are saying about 'Passion' here


Collin Hansen

editorial director of The Gospel Coalition and author of Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist's Journey with the New Calvinists

Whether you're just getting to know Jesus or have known already him for years, you will be challenged, encouraged, and emboldened by Passion. This excellent study from Mike McKinley will help you personally understand why Christ's final day is the hinge of history.

Michael Reeves

President of Union School of Theology

Mike McKinley has wiped the dust off the familiar events of Christ's final day, showing just what a difference the cross makes to everyday life. Warning: his insights are like nails!

Paul Perkin

senior pastor of St Mark’s Battersea Rise, London

Here is a faithful, fresh perspective on the gospel story. It makes insightful connections between the climactic moments of Jesus' life and the everyday events of our own, and encourages us to look in the mirror at our lives in the light of his.

Independent reviews

A Good Boast

David Sprouse, Evangelicals Now

For many Christians these narratives are well trodden, but the careful engaging with the text and the fresh explanation of it helped me to see things I had never seen before. For example, I had not noticed the contrast in the focus of the words of the two criminals crucified on either side of Jesus — one focussed still on this life and the other on the next.... continue reading

Customer reviews

Martin Fox
25 Sep 2023

“I thought I knew about the last days of Jesus on earth pretty well. I was wrong!”

I thought I knew about the last days of Jesus on earth pretty well. I was wrong!
So when someone in my church recommended ‘Passion’ by Mike McKinley, I got hold of a copy, but
didn’t expect that I would gain a great deal from it. I was wrong again!
Passion is only about the last 24 hours of Jesus life. It is packed with drama and emotions, yet Jesus
said very little over this time. There are no wasted words or unimportant moments, but it has so
much to say to you and me.
It looks at what we can learn from the cowardice of Peter and Pilate, the bravery of Joseph of
Arithamea. The devotion of the women that stayed with Jesus throughout, and the treachery of
Judas….and much more.
Above all it is so clear that through all this, Jesus has a choice, and it proves so powerfully just how
much God loves us.
We are planning to make it the recommended book for Lent at our church.

30 Dec 2018

“Passionate About The Passion”

(Review written for 'Passion (ebook)')

A truly fabulous and humbling book. Easter is often in the shadow of Christmas but the Passion makes the climax of our Lord's life so heartbrakingly real. I cannot imagine anyone reading Mike McKinley's book to come away unmoved and unaffected by the deep love that our Saviour has for us. The unrelenting passion that Jesus has for each of us is so profoundly explained together with biblical quotes and beautiful poetry in the pages of this enchanting book.

5 Apr 2017

“Very Good”

(Review written for 'Passion')

This book was recommended as a suitable lent book I agree having read it. It is easy to read with very good teaching particularly liked thoughtful questions at end of each chapter and hymn to read. Looks at the last day of Jesus life and briefly touches on the resurrection. Could read any time not just lent.

Corinne Brixton
16 Sep 2016

“"Fresh and engaging"”

(Review written for 'Passion (ebook)')

Although being very familiar with the Easter story, I was still inspired afresh by this book. Mike McKinley's insights and writing were engaging and very readable, and were food for both the heart and mind.

Christian Puritz
5 Jul 2016

“Very edifying and encouraging; well worth a read!”

(Review written for 'Passion (ebook)')

A great journey through Luke's account of the sufferings, death and resurrection of Jesus. Each chapter starts with the relevant part of Luke, then opens it up and applies it in very practical and searching ways to life as a follower of Christ today. Very edifying and encouraging; well worth a read!

Alexa Burstow
28 Jan 2014

“The most personal book on the cross I have read”

(Review written for 'Passion (ebook)')

To some extent, every good Christian book you read is about the cross of Christ. The difference with "Passion" by Mike McKinley is that it is deeply personal. It fully brought home that Christ bled and died FOR ME and that he did this because he LOVES ME. Every time I feel a bit spiritually dry, or burdened by serving, or wearied by life in general, I read a chapter of "Passion" (any will do) and my heart is flooded with thankful praise. The reminder of what MY Jesus, MY Saviour did for me casts a totally different perspective on the day ahead and enables me to live it differently.

Carl Chambers
27 Mar 2013

“Wonderful book”

(Review written for 'Passion (ebook)')

This book is a delight to read and keeps you joyfully remembering the cross for days. The chapters are short, as the author takes small chunks of the build up to the crucifixion in Luke and explains them, then applies them in a gospel centred way. This is the kind of good food - gracious truth - that helps a new Christian to understand the cross by, an older Christian to be focused by, and an unbeliever to learn Jesus by.

David Sprouse
12 Mar 2013

“The Cross is everything!”

(Review written for 'Passion (ebook)')

The cross of Jesus is everything. It is eternity changing, world changing, death changing, life changing..... or least it should be! The subtitle of this book puts it: “How Christ’s final day changes your every day.” In this excellent book Mike McKinley, a pastor in Virginia, takes us through the last hours of Jesus Christ leading up to his death on the cross from Luke’s gospel. As the subtitle suggests there is also careful application and each chapter ends with helpful questions for reflection. It is devotional writing at its best and fittingly each chapter ends with an appropriate hymn. Reading this book, a chapter a day led me to understand more of Christ’s passion and gave me a fresh passion to live to boast only in the cross.

Philip Holdcroft
9 Mar 2013

“Exciting & concentrating”

(Review written for 'Passion (ebook)')

As someone, who has only really and truly embraced Christianity, and I'm in my 70th year! I found "Passion" to be an exiting and concentrating account of the final day of our Lord. I have always relished historical facts and these coupled with the book following Luke's gospel helped me enormously to understand the time frame of events. Well written, quite easy to follow and fully recommended.

Celia Grooms
6 Mar 2013

“Luke's Gospel”

(Review written for 'Passion (ebook)')

It tells very clearly about Christ''s final days on Earth. It is written so clearly that even non-Christians will be able to understand Christ's final days on earth.

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Passion | Mike McKinley |
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