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Jonah and the Very Big Fish (ebook)

Jonah and the Very Big Fish ebook

from 1 review

Help children 2-4 years old to discover that God is kind and loving and longs to save people with the story of Jonah and The Very Big Fish.

Part of the Very Best Bible Stories series.

ePub version (for Kindles, iPads, iPhones & Android)
Mobi version (to side-load on older Kindles)

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Also available

In this innovative and faithful retelling of a classic Bible story, children 2-4 years old will discover what happened when God told a very grumpy prophet to go to a very bad city. Children will learn that God is kind and loving and longs to save people.

It teaches some interesting linguistic skills to children. It contains bright, vivid, fun-filled illustrations by Jennifer Davison.

Product details


Age range: 2+
Contributors Tim Thornborough, Jennifer Davison
ISBN 9781802540390
Format eBook
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

Barbara Reaoch

Former Director, Children's Division, Bible Study Fellowship

Tim Thornborough once again imparts biblical truth with winsome appeal. Ever wonder how to teach your child that God always welcomes repentant sinners? Read Jonah and the very Big Fish to find out!

Customer reviews

16 Jul 2024

“Would Highly Recommend!!!”

(Review written for 'Jonah and the Very Big Fish')

This book is so creative and engaging! The illustrations are fun and hilarious. The author was clearly so intentional in every part of the book. I appreciate how the story emphasizes God's forgiveness and amazing mercy and is told in a way that young children can understand so easily!

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Jonah and the Very Big Fish (ebook) | Tim Thornborough, Jennifer Davison |