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Click Unit 3: 3-5s Child's Component

Easy-to-use, Bible-centered teaching material for 3-5s

from 4 reviews

This child's component is a full-colour A5 Prayer Book.

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Unit 3 for 3-5s looks at the subject of 'Trusting God and living for Him - a focus on prayer'.

This child's component is a full-colour A5 Prayer Book. Each week the children learn how different Bible characters prayed. Their prayer book has full-colour illustrations of each story, along with space for the children's own prayers.

This child's component accompanies the Click Unit 3: 3-5s Leader's Manual. There is a Leader's Pack also available.

CLICK is a Bible-based programme for teaching and discipling children from 3-11 years. The CLICK curriculum is based on the belief that the Bible’s own theological framework should direct what is taught and how it is taught. CLICK is Bible-based, teaching the major events, concepts and doctrines of the Bible. It’s also great fun!

Product details


  • Trusting God and Living for Him
    1. Prayer and Praise (1 Samuel 1:1 - 2:11)
    2. Nehemiah's prayers (Nehemiah 1:1 - 2:8; 4)
    3. So sorry (Luke 18:9-14)
    4. Jesus prays (Matthew 6:5-13; Mark 1:29-39)
    5. Chosen by God (1 Samuel 16:1-13)
    6. The Lord, my shepherd (Psalm 23; 95:7)
    7. David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17:4-50)
    8. King David (1 Samuel 2:4-7; 5:1-4; 7)
    9. Always with us (John 14:25-27; Acts 1-2)
    10. The fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)

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Age range: 3+
Contributors Alison Mitchell
Format Paperback
First published March 2006
Dimensions 149mm x 210mm x 1mm
Weight 0.03 kg
Language English
Pages 12
Publisher The Good Book Company
Customer reviews

8 Jun 2024

“Great service”

(Review written for 'Click Unit 3: 3-5s Leader's Manual')

Thank you so much for the quick response when I was given the wrong item. Great service, God bless you.

22 Jun 2010


Our little ones at church love Sunday School. This is fun, interactive, creative and bible based with all activities leading towards the main point of the bible passage. It takes quite a bit of preparation as the teacher but it is SO worth it to see the kids running out of church saying 'that was so much fun!' as well as remembering the memory verse!

14 Feb 2009


This is very versatile for a big group or small group. Lots of activities suggested and accessible. Stories are simple and easy for the very young end of group and also the older end. Highly recommend.

1 Sep 2008

“Plenty to choose from”

Plenty of material to choose from to adapt to size of groups. Good solid teaching relevant to age group. Need to adapt slightly to English experiences but activities enjoyed by all.

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Click Unit 3: 3-5s Child's Component | Alison Mitchell |