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Our Father: Enjoying God in prayer

Our Father: Enjoying God in prayer

from 1 review

Examines the Lord's Prayer in detail and helps us discover how we can delight in God.

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When Jesus' disciples asked him for help with prayer, he gave them a beautifully simple but spiritually profound outline known as the Lord's Prayer. This utterly extraordinary prayer has been cherished by Christians everywhere and always. In it, our Saviour has brilliantly summarized the kinds of requests that God most delights to answer.

Jesus knew that, when we struggle to prayer, we need, far more than techniques and challenges, a fresh appreciation of God. We need to glimpse his magnificent character and plans. As we see the Father described in Jesus' prayer, we find ourselves lifted in wonder to delight in him. Our cold hearts are warmed and our stifled tongues released to pray. The Lord's Prayer, and so this book, is all about enjoying God.

'I find the Lord's Prayer exhilarating. It has been a lifeline from God, dragging my proud heart to him. I couldn't survive without it.'
- Richard Coekin

Product details


  • Preface

  • 1. 'This, then, is how you should pray...'
    Why we so urgently need the Lord's Prayer

  • 2. 'Our Father in heaven...'
    Being children of God

  • 3. 'Hallowed be you name...'
    Caring about our Father's reputation

  • 4. 'Your kingdom come...'
    Caring about our Father's rule

  • 5. 'Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven...'
    Caring about our Father's plans

  • 6. 'Give us today our daily bread...'
    Needing our Father's provision

  • 7. 'Forgive us our debts...'
    Needing our Father's pardon

  • 8. 'Lead us...and deliver us...'
    Needing our Father's protection

  • 9. 'The kingdom, the power and the glory...'
    A fitting conclusion

  • Appendix - What is prayer...and why should we pray?
    Some help from two giants of Christian history

  • Notes


Contributors Richard Coekin
ISBN 9781844743933
Format Paperback
First published June 2009
Dimensions 138mm x 216mm x 19mm
Weight 0.26 kg
Print size 10.0pt
Language English
Pages 186
Publisher IVP

Other information

Clear, warm and practical'
- Tim Keller

'Good theology that resonates with day-to-day life is a real treat. Reading Our Father will teach you some great truths about the God to whom we pray, but, even better, it will make those truths real you you on a Monday morning.
- Tim Chester

'I was just thrilled with this book which gave me such a desire to pray a prayer that crystallizes Christ's priorities for out lives.'
- Rico Tice

'Full of treasure'
- Jennifer Rees Larcombe

'If you need help with prayer - read this book. It's sensational.'
- Al Stewart

Customer reviews

Jonathan Gemmell
18 Feb 2011

“A Treasure”

I bought this book after listening to Richard Coekin speak at the Servants of the Word conference at St. George's Tron in Glasgow. Such a clear and clever thinker. The book is a real treasure in encouraging and helping us see the gift, responsibility and importance of prayer. It is easy to read, inspirational in tone and very accessible. I liked it so much that we are using it as a book to read for the teaching series we are currently doing on prayer.

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Our Father: Enjoying God in prayer | Richard Coekin |
£9.99 £7.66