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Got a great idea for a book? The following information is provided for those who would like to submit a manuscript for possible publication as a book, Bible-study, or other resource.

About us

The Good Book Company produces Bible-centered resources to promote, encourage and equip people to serve our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. We specifically focus on resources for evangelism, Bible study, training, Christian living and for youth and children’s work. We are happy to consider for publication resources that fit into any of these categories.

We are an evangelical publishing house that stand on the fundamental truths of the Christian faith, for example, the IFES/UCCF/Intervarsity basis of faith. We are also corporate members of the Evangelical Alliance.

We believe that it is through the reading and study of the Bible that we hear the authoritative voice of God speak to us today. So our aim with all our resources is to get people directly interacting with the Bible. So we expect our authors to facilitate that process, rather than just commenting on their own view of what the Bible says. A primary question we ask of any resource submitted to us is: does it handle the Bible well (ie: taking note of the context of each passage), and is it helping people understand its message?

Before submitting a resource to us for consideration, please familiarize yourself with the rest of our list by looking through our website – www.thegoodbook.co.uk – or by getting a feel of some of our products at your local Christian bookshop.

Other factors to consider are:

  • You should have a clear idea in your mind about what you want the book/resource to achieve, and who it is aimed at: ‘What do you want this to do, and for whom?’
  • Books should be accessible to the general Christian reader (ie we are not an academic publisher)
  • When telling or illustrating Bible stories, we do not like things to be added or taken away (we are concerned to be faithful to scripture).
  • We avoid subjects that have a particular denominational bias.
  • We do not publish poetry, fiction, biography or autobiography for adults.

Manuscript submission

It is very unlikely that we will consider a completed manuscript for publication. Authors will often have a good idea for a resource or book, and many valuable things to say, but often through inexperience, or lack of familiarity with the market, will produce their finished work in a form which we would not be able to publish. We prefer to work with authors to help develop their ideas into resources which will have maximum impact, and a valuable long-term ministry among God’s people.

We are, however, happy to receive and consider proposals and ideas for new books and resources. If you have an idea that you think may develop into a useful resource for evangelism, Christian growth or gospel ministry, please fill in the appropriate proposal form and return it to us by the email address below:

Books and resources for adults

Books and resources for children or teens

If we think the idea has merit, and may fit into our publishing schedule, we will encourage you to develop the idea to the next stage, at which time a decision will be made about publication.

We look at every proposal that is submitted to us, but we cannot guarantee a reply.

You can also submit a proposal to us by post (but please be aware that we will not be able to return printed copies of your work, memory sticks, etc.).

By email:

By post:

Editorial Department
The Good Book Company
B1 Blenheim House
1 Blenheim Road
Epsom, Surrey
KT19 9AP
Editorial Department
The Good Book Company
1805 Sardis Road North
Suite 102
NC 28270