Today the world waits as the US elects their next president. Amid the noise, the shouting, the accusations and the rage, we need to listen to a quieter voice... continue reading
"God doesn't waste any government appointments. We may not understand why a particular person is in power, but we can rest assured that our King does."... continue reading
Here's an early Christmas present for you. A brand new free ebook from Alistair Begg. Here's how to get it... continue reading
Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."... continue reading
Randy Newman, author of Engaging with Jewish people, answers this question... continue reading
"Jesus satisfies the longings that are raised, but then disappointed, by all the key characters in the Bible."... continue reading
Vaughan Roberts, author of Transgender, answers in this short video... continue reading
Becky Pippert introduces a totally not new approach to personal evangelism. It’s all about being the same, but different... continue reading
If we had been writing a book for you to give away, it would be completely different... continue reading
"Faith is trusting that Jesus is with us whether we "feel" his presence or not."... continue reading