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Showing posts in 'Useful Resources'

Three reasons we’re uncomfortable about Jewish evangelism

Randy Newman | 5 Oct 2016

I can think of a lot of reasons why Jewish evangelism is uncomfortable. I’ll share just three in this blog... continue reading

Where did Satan come from?

Mike McKinley | 4 Oct 2016

In Genesis 3, in God’s perfect creation, something has gone rogue. One of God’s creatures is now trying to undermine his authority and bring down humankind. That raises a huge number of questions!... continue reading

Vaughan Roberts on Transgender

Vaughan Roberts | 3 Oct 2016

"Some of our struggles are more obvious than others, but all of us are works in progress."... continue reading

Same-sex attraction, transgender and the church: learning from past mistakes

Sam Allberry | 28 Sep 2016

Sam Allberry discusses the mistakes the church made when responding to same-sex attraction—and what we must learn as we discuss transgender... continue reading

Sneaking past the dragons: how to share the gospel in a suspicious world

Nate Morgan Locke | 27 Sep 2016

How can we share a Christian message that is as radical as it is wonderful, without getting peoples’ defenses up?... continue reading

Vaughan Roberts on Transgender

Vaughan Roberts | 26 Sep 2016

"As we find our place within God's story, we discover our real identity, true freedom and lasting fulfilment."... continue reading

How NOT to do an evangelistic Bible study!

Rachel Jones | 21 Sep 2016

How many mistakes can you spot? *WARNING* This video contains intensely cringy Christians.... continue reading

Four steps to turning conversations to Christ

Rebecca Manley Pippert | 20 Sep 2016

“I do want to share my faith with people, but the topic just never seems to come up…” Have you ever felt that frustration?... continue reading

Rebecca Manley Pippert on Empowered

Rebecca Manley Pippert | 19 Sep 2016

"Jesus doesn't ask us to come to him once our lives are "tidy". He gets deeply involved with messy, needy lives."... continue reading

Dai Hankey reads Eric Says Sorry

Dai Hankey | 15 Sep 2016

Grab a cuppa and take five minutes to watch Dai tell you about Eric's next adventure... continue reading

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