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God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook

By Carl Laferton, illustrated by Jennifer Davison
from 43 reviews

92 foundational Bible stories, faithfully told and beautifully illustrated, which point to the one big story of the Bible—God making and keeping his promises.

Part of the God's Big Promises series.

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God's Big Promises Easter Sticker and Activity Book

Video and Extra Content
Also available

Watch children discover God’s big promises and how Jesus keeps every one of them!

Features include:
• 92 faithfully-told stories from the Old & New Testaments
• Simple, memorable language for small children aged 2-6
• 400+ pages filled with vibrant, full-colour illustrations
• Bright icons trace 5 themes of God’s promises throughout Scripture

God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook contains both familiar stories, such as Noah & the ark, David & Goliath, and Daniel & the lions’ den, and lesser-known stories such as Jacob & Esau and Simeon & Anna.

Together, these 92 theologically faithful stories point to the one big story of the Bible: God making and keeping his promises to redeem his people.

Bright, colourful icons indicate which stories relate to a promise made or a promise kept within 5 distinct themes:
• Rescue
• People
• Land
• Joy
• King

It is the perfect first Bible to introduce a child to the stories of the Bible and the promise-keeping God who loves them. It also provides a trusted starting point for children to cultivate a lifelong love of God’s word.

Written by Carl Laferton, author of the best-selling The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross and the award-winning The God Contest.

It makes a great gift as well as being a useful church resource for preschoolers / kindergarten children.

An Advent calendar, Christmas sticker book and a sticker and activity book based on the heroes of the Bible are also available for purchase.

Product details


  • The Old Testament
    1. In the Beginning
    2. In the Garden
    3. The Snake and the Tree
    4. Out of the Garden
    5. Noah Builds an Ark
    6. The First Rainbow
    7. The Tall Tower
    8. God’s Promises to Abram
    9. Stars in the Sky
    10. A Baby at Last
    11. Jacob’s Sneaky Trick
    12. Jacob’s Special Dream
    13. Joseph in Trouble
    14. Joseph and the King of Egypt
    15. Joseph Meets His Brothers
    16. A Baby in the River
    17. Moses and the Burning Bush
    18. Let My People Go!
    19. The Rescue from Egypt
    20. A Path through the Sea
    21. God’s Commands
    22. God’s Tent
    23. Making a Not-God
    24. Joshua, Caleb, and the Explorers
    25. Moses Sees the Land
    26. Rahab and the Explorers
    27. The Walls of Jericho
    28. Joshua Says Goodbye
    29. Deborah, Barak, and the Big Battle
    30. Samson Saves the Israelites
    31. Ruth Finds a Family
    32. Hannah’s Special Son
    33. We Want a King!
    34. God Chooses a King
    35. David and Goliath
    36. A King Forever
    37. King Solomon
    38. Things Go Very Wrong
    39. Elijah and the Fire
    40. A King Is Coming
    41. Jonah and the Big Fish
    42. Out of the Land
    43. Daniel in the Lions’ Den
    44. Esther the Brave Queen
    45. Back in the Land Again
    The New Testament
    46. An Angel Visits Mary
    47. The Angel Speaks to Joseph
    48. Mary’s Thank-You Song
    49. Jesus Is Born
    50. Simeon and Anna Meet Jesus
    51. Wise Men Arrive
    52. Jesus Escapes
    53. The Baptism of Jesus
    54. Jesus in the Desert
    55. Jesus Chooses His Friends
    56. Get Up!
    57. A Dead Man Lives
    58. John the Baptist’s Question
    59. Jesus and the Storm
    60. Come Out of Him!
    61. Jesus Raises a Dead Girl to Life
    62. Buried Treasure
    63. Jesus Feeds the Crowds
    64. Who Do You Say I Am?
    65. Jesus on the Mountain
    66. The Good Samaritan
    67. Jesus Teaches His Friends to Pray
    68. The Good Shepherd
    69. The Life After This One
    70. The Religious Leader and the Tax Collector
    71. Jesus and the Little Children
    72. Zacchaeus Welcomes Jesus
    73. The King on the Donkey
    74. Jesus at the Temple
    75. A New Special Meal
    76. Praying in a Garden
    77. The King and the Thief
    78. Jesus Is Alive!
    79. The Strange Stranger
    80. Thomas Changes His Mind
    81. Jesus Goes to Heaven
    82. The Holy Spirit Arrives
    83. The First Church
    84. Philip and the Ethiopian
    85. The Road to Damascus
    86. The One Who Keeps God’s Promises
    87. Jesus’ Friends in Philippi
    88. Paul in Jerusalem and Rome
    89. Paul’s Letters
    90. More Letters
    91. What Heaven Is Like
    92. I Am Coming Soon


Age range: 2+
Contributors Carl Laferton, Jennifer Davison
ISBN 9781784988128
Format Hardback
First published September 2023
Dimensions 155mm x 190mm x 32mm
Weight 0.98 kg
Language English
Pages 416
Publisher The Good Book Company

Also available in


Ed Drew

Ministry Director, Faith in Kids; Author, Raising Confident Kids

Vivid colours, engaging retelling and the old old story of the Lord's promises. It's a great mix for every young child. Read this over and over again at home, in Sunday School and any other opportunity!

Andrew Wilson

Teaching Pastor, King's Church London; Author, God of All Things

This has everything I am looking for in a kids Bible: vivid and colourful artwork, well-told stories, ethnically diverse illustrations, faithfulness to Scripture, and a clear sense of how God’s promises hold history together. A go-to Bible for the next generation of children.

Jen Wilkin

Author, None Like Him and Women of the Word

Christian parents, rejoice! God’s Big Promises faithfully tells the big story of the Bible with theological and pastoral care, offering both parent and child a clear and vivid view of the most important storyline ever crafted. Here is the truest and most beautiful story, both simple and profound, a priceless treasure to be passed from one generation to the next.

Customer reviews

3 Feb 2025

“Every contact prompt and helpful”

(Review written for 'God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook (ebook)')

From Australia I was directed to staff in the UK by email. Staff there were always very helpful and prompt.

5 Dec 2024

“Good service & a Good Product”

(Review written for 'God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook (ebook)')

Ordered a lovely book from here. Would buy from this company again.

24 Nov 2024

“Get it! Got it!? Good!”

The Bible says that God made Man, and Adam was his name.
So then, according to God's plan, from Adam's rib, Eve came.
And righteousness was everywhere, not one sin to confound!
Yet was freewill their right to share in ways that could astound?
Adam and Eve chose to rebel! God's will got cast away!
And so, from perfect grace, they fell, cast out to leave that day!
While God forgave their awful sin, His mercy showed as well!
That's how God's promises begin, the Gospel Truth to tell.
The Bible says that Abraham must one day leave his home,
So God could lead him as a lamb to places he must roam.
His faith got tested now and then through travels far and wide.
And soon, God promised yet again new blessings to decide.
Then Abraham was his new name, while Sarah was his wife.
Through both of these, God's blessings came beyond this mortal life.
And so it was that others, too, God chose in diverse ways,
And even now, God can choose you, like every saint who prays!
The Bible says that Christ would live and yet one day must die!
God's Son has said we must forgive, in truth, not just to try.
When crucified before a crowd, their sins He could excuse!
God's Royal Pardon was allowed, displaying God's Good News!
The Saviour, Jesus Christ, arose to live beyond the grave!
Beyond Christ's tomb, God's Good News grows, so powerful to save!
And Pentecost is perfect proof of God's big promises!
For those who trust God's Gospel Truth! To learn what grace this is!
Denis Martindale, for the 19th of November, 2024.
The Gospel poem is about the illustrated Bible Stories in
the beautiful children's book called God's Big Promises!
I like The Action Bible, too, with pictures by the artist
Sergio Cariello in the expanded version that's available.

2 Nov 2024


An excellent first bible for children. My grown up daughter who doesn't have time to read an actual bible yet, also concurs.

7 Oct 2024

“Bought in Faith”

Bought in Faith that we will one day give this book to our daughter to read to our grandchildren.

5 Oct 2024

“Perfect for Toddlers”

A beautiful, easy-to-understand adaptation of the gospel throughout the Bible. Our almost-three-year-old is the perfect age for it.

24 Apr 2024


Mr. Laferton’s Bible storybook seems to draw you to it. The hard cover is so bright and colorful. The character people look so pleasant and happy.

Every page has drawings on it from Jennifer Davison. There’s no overwhelming amount of text to read on each page, which is perfect for little people with short attention spans.

The gospel message is given throughout the book. Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection story is in place, as well as people like Paul or Peter that share the good news about Jesus to others who then believe and get baptized.

God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook is specifically designed to highlight the promises that God has made, and the promises that God has kept. Special icons on the page edge gives you a quick view of the promise category that Mr. Laferton has designated.

I would highly recommend this book to any family with young children. It’s easy to read, colorful and engaging to look at, and of course it is based off of God’s Word. This Bible Storybook will help your child learn about God starting at an early age.

I also recommend having this book available in any young children’s Sunday school room, children’s church classroom, homeschool, and/or church nursery.

21 Apr 2024

“Faces are Disney like”

I liked the Easter sticker books very much. Certainly 4 grandchildren 5- 8 enjoyed them. They were pitched just right, but their parents and l did not appreciate the strange looking goggle-eyed characters on most pages in the Bible Book. I returned it. The sticker books were full of activities and there were no pictures of big-eyed characters as in the Bible.

23 Mar 2024

“Pleased with purchas”

(Review written for 'God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook (ebook)')

I bought this Children’s ‘Bible’ for our grandson’s 3rd birthday.
I thought the text was really sound and graphics were most engaging. Praying his mum and dad will enjoy reading it to him🙂

2 Mar 2024

“Beautiful Bible for young children”

(Review written for 'God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook (ebook)')

Beautiful Bible with an engaging story and bright entertaining illustrations. I love that it has 6 different paths which are colour coded and that it seamlessly weaves in the scripture here and there. The most perfect Bible for kids Easter basket.

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God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook | Carl Laferton, Jennifer Davison |
£16.99 £11.99