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Click Unit 9: 3-5s Leader's PACK (Manual + Posters + Child's Component)

Click Unit 9: 3-5s Leader's PACK (Manual + Posters + Child's Component)

Easy-to-use, Bible-centered teaching material for 3-5s

from 2 reviews

This Leader's Pack includes the Leader's Manual, the relevant child component and the posters for this unit.

Leader's Pack
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Unit 9 for 3-5s looks at the subject of 'Cradle to Crown from Luke's Gospel'.

This Leader's Pack includes the Leader's Manual, the relevant child component and the posters for this unit.

CLICK is a Bible-based programme for teaching and discipling children from 3-11 years. The CLICK curriculum is based on the belief that the Bible’s own theological framework should direct what is taught and how it is taught. CLICK is Bible-based, teaching the major events, concepts and doctrines of the Bible. It’s also great fun!

    Each CLICK Leader's Pack includes:
  • a comprehensive leader’s manual
  • ten Bible teaching sessions
  • engaging and purposeful activities, games and crafts
  • music suggestions
  • extension ideas for more able children
  • photocopiable masters for visual aids and activities
  • full colour leader’s visual aids
  • take-home components for the children. (These vary with each unit eg: a set of mini-posters, treasure box or activity booklet.)

Product details


  • Cradle to Crown
    1. Angels and shepherds (Luke 2 v 1-20)
    2. The promised one (Luke 2 v 21-40)
    3. Where is Jesus? (Luke 2 v 41-52)
    4. Jesus calls some disciples (Luke 5 v 1-11)
    5. Jesus forgives Zacchaeus (Luke 19 v 1-10)
    6. Jesus calms the storm (Luke 8 v 22-25)
    7. Jesus rescues the foolish (Luke 15 v 1-7)
    8. Jesus rescues the helpless (Luke 15 v 8-10)
    9. Jesus rescues the wilful (Luke 15 v 11-32)
    10. Easter 1 - Jesus died for us (Luke 22 v 1 - 24 v 12)
    11. Easter 2 - Jesus is alive (Luke 24)


Age range: 3+
Contributors Alison Mitchell
Format Leader's Pack
First published June 2007
Dimensions 210mm x 297mm
Weight 0.51 kg
Language English
Pages 96
Publisher The Good Book Company
Customer reviews

Anne Hayward
28 Mar 2019

“helpful and imaginative”

The Leader's manual arrived promptly, and was, as ever, an excellent resource. We have used this series for a long time, as a church, and find it very helpful and imaginative.

Jane Watkins
2 Jul 2015

“Bible-centred, clear, practical”

(Review written for 'Click Unit 9: 3-5s Leader's Manual')

This material is so easy to use. It helps you understand the passage before you teach it. The aims and outcomes are very clear and helpful. You're given creative ideas for telling the story and for craft.

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Click Unit 9: 3-5s Leader's PACK (Manual + Posters + Child's Component) | Alison Mitchell |