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Engage 365: Get to Know God's People

Daily Bible Readings That Connect with Your Life

Edited by Alison Mitchell
from 4 reviews

Volume 2 of Engage 365 : a year-long reading plan with Engage Bible-reading notes. In this volume, older teenagers will enjoy meeting key characters and authors from the Bible.

Part of the Engage series.

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Engage NIV Youth Bible

Also available

A one-year reading plan with Engage Bible-reading notes, meeting key characters and authors from the Bible. Ideal for older teenagers.

Volume 2 of Engage 365 meets many characters from the Old Testament, including Joshua, the judges, Ruth, Job, Nehemiah, Esther, Jonah and Daniel; as well as exploring books authored by Matthew, Peter and Paul (Romans, 1 & 2 Timothy).

A fun, engaging way for young people to dig deep into some key books of the Bible and learn how to handle, question and explore God's word.

Use alongside the Engage Youth Bible.

About the series
Engage exists to help you plug into your Bible. Through Engage's pages we want to plunge into God's awesome word: discovering who God is and what He's like; seeing what God's done for us through Jesus; and exploring practical ways of living for Him. The Bible is packed with amazing stories and life-changing teaching. It's time to dive into the Bible and see God change our lives...
Product details


  • Intro to Engage 365 Vol. 2
    Chart of Bible Readings
    365 Days of Bible-Reading Notes
    What Is the Bible?
    What's the Point?

Free extras


Age range: 13+
Contributors Alison Mitchell
ISBN 9781784988821
Format Paperback
First published July 2023
Dimensions 168mm x 198mm x 26mm
Weight 0.62 kg
Language English
Pages 400
Publisher The Good Book Company

Other information

The notes for this second volume of Engage 365 have been edited by Alison Mitchell and Sarah Hughes. Based on Engage notes mainly written by Martin Cole, with extra material from Cassie Martin, Roger Fawcett, Chris Jennings, Jim Overton, Jill Silverthorne, Fiona Simmons, Sarah Smart, Adrian Taylor-Weekes and Helen Thorne.

Customer reviews

17 Aug 2023

“Great Resources for the Enquiring Teenager or Growing Disciple”

The Engage bible notes series are one of my favourites for teenagers, and work well for those aged around 12 and upwards, although probably best for the older teen. I've used them a lot with our teenagers in youth groups as giveaways for those who are starting to enquire about reading the Bible on their own for the first time, or for those I'd like to encourage to grow in faith and be disciples. This big book is a great resource, with enough devotionals to last a whole year, and it gives a brilliant overview of some of the big characters of the Bible from both Old and New Testament. It's also a pretty decent price for a weighty 400-page book with enough to keep you going for a whole year!

Jennifer Bute
13 Aug 2023

“Good for Sibling sharing”

I gave this book to my granddaughter and her mother tells me she is reading it each day WITH her siblings!!

30 Jun 2023

“Fun and engaging Bible reading plan!”

Engage 365 Volume Two ‘Get to know God’s People’, is a daily Bible reading plan, that helps readers dig into God’s Word, apply it to their real life, and grow closer to Jesus.

With 365 daily pages, and a convenient chart located in the beginning of the book to follow along, this is a very easily laid out Bible reading plan.
Recommended for older teenagers, however, I found myself engaged in the pages as well.
This book focuses on some of the key characters and authors throughout the Bible, such as Ruth, Job, Esther, Daniel, Matthew, Peter, and Paul.

Engage 365 is set up to read one page per day, throughout a whole year.
Each page consists of a headline with a subtitle to prepare you for the text you are about to read. There is a Bible verse passage that you are directed to read in your own Bible. (This book uses the NIV translation for reference, however, you can easily supplement with your own preferred translation).
There are also questions to have readers think deeper, as well as cue points to focus on in your prayer time.
Each page includes a small lined section on the side to jot down any notes or thoughts that may arise as you are reading the daily scripture.
Some pages also offer a ‘get on with it’ section to encourage how to live out certain things in your Christian walk, while other pages have a section titled ‘the bottom line’, which is similar to what I would say is a blunt motto at the end of the page (one of my favourite parts).

I am impressed with the layout and design of this book.
I feel like this is a great resource to sneak in some quick Bible study and scripture reading when you are a bit short on time, or for older youth to dig into their studies, as it is fun and engaging.

Jessica Hadden
28 Jun 2023

“A fantastic resource”

This is the perfect resource for your teenager to use independently or for you to use with them. What sets it apart for me is how it feels accessible no matter where you are on your faith journey, as it’s deep enough for those who’ve held faith for years, but also doesn’t assume knowledge, so will not leave those who are new to faith confused either. A perfect, and difficult to achieve, balance.

It goes through various books of the Bible, giving context to each at the beginning. Each day gives a number of verses to go through and some great questions to get the reader thinking for themselves, not just spoon feeding them the information. Lines are provided in the margins to make notes, so no extra notebook is required.

There is then an encouragement to pray, followed by a short few line summary. All in all, I feel it is a wonderful resource for people of any age and stage!

TGBC kindly provided this copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Engage 365: Get to Know God's People | Alison Mitchell |
£14.99 £9.99